$50.00 Voucher Giveaway :) CLOSED

To celebrate reaching 3500 fans on facebook, we are giving away 2 $50.00 vouchers below 🙂 Every 500 fans we give two more away, so now is a great time join if you haven’t already:
Simply comment below to enter, we will pick two winners using random.org on February 10th~

January 25, 2012. Giveaway.


  1. Denise G. replied:

    Oooo! Would love to win this one!!

    • Jessica Ortiz replied:


  2. Ariana L replied:

    Wow, again! Glad to see you guys increasing your fans so quickly!!

  3. Amy C replied:

    Congrats 🙂

  4. Scarboroughlane (Jenny Scarborough) replied:

    Thanks for the chance! Congrats on all of the fans, I hope they all shop your store at least once 🙂

  5. Amanda Romeo replied:

    Yeah! Hope I win!

  6. Sarah Ashkar replied:

    Wow! Thanks for the awesome opportunity. My fingers are crossed!

  7. vanessa replied:

    I have my wish list ready to go, just the the voucher 😉

  8. Michelle F. replied:

    So exciting! I would love to win!

  9. Elizabeth garrett replied:

    Congratulations, another milestone. Hooray for you.

  10. Elisha replied:


  11. Emily replied:

    That would be so awesome! So many things I want… 🙂

  12. Cee replied:

    yay for 3500 fans!

  13. Tiffany replied:

    I’m a FB fan and would LOVE to win! 🙂

  14. Sarah J replied:

    Congrats on another 500 & thanks for rewarding your fans! 🙂

  15. Laura Sapp replied:

    Thanks for the chance!! Love cloth diapers!!

  16. Katrina replied:

    I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

  17. Susan replied:

    I would love to win the voucher. Congrats!

  18. Avery Holwitt replied:

    Just starting to CD and this would be a huge help!!

  19. Susan M. replied:

    I keep adding stuff to my wishlist! I am ready to go 🙂

  20. dclownfish03 replied:

    I would love to win this! Thanks 🙂

  21. Haley replied:

    Still working on building up my supply. Would love to win.

  22. Dee replied:

    Would LOVE $50 to spend on cloth! I could really use some more S’bish snapless fitteds! 🙂

  23. Maya W. replied:

    Woohoo- I could use some more fitteds or wool.

  24. danielle sweet replied:

    Pick me pick me!!! 🙂

  25. debbie m replied:

    That would be fabulous! Thank you!!

  26. Christina D replied:

    Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Laura C replied:

    Y’all have the most generous giveaways! Thank you!

  28. brittany alessio replied:

    I hope I win I could use so more diapers

  29. ali replied:

    Would love to win!

  30. simplymerry replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans!

  31. Amy Lawrence replied:

    This is so great! I already know what I’d buy for my squish on the way;)

  32. Ann Rochen replied:

    Glad to have found your store!

  33. Jessie Hamblen replied:

    Congrats on 3500!!!

  34. Leslee replied:

    I’m a new follower – congrats on reaching 3500 fans!!!

  35. Alisha replied:


  36. Alicia M. replied:

    3500 is AMAZING! Congratulations!!!

  37. MJ replied:

    Would love to win, thanks!!!

  38. Kristy Schneider replied:

    Soooooo exciting! I love AL vouchers! Would love to win. Thanks!

  39. Elizbeth Stetar replied:

    Yay for 3500 fans! We love Abby’s Lane 🙂

  40. Jill replied:

    thanks! congrats

  41. Lauren Smith replied:

    Yea for 3500 fans!

  42. Julie G replied:

    I would LOVE to win one of these!!!!

  43. lbs replied:

    i’m a newbie too who would love to win!

  44. Kristen replied:

    congrats on all the fans!

  45. Jennifer Narron replied:

    Show me some dipe love!

  46. Katelynne replied:


  47. Nicole replied:

    I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this! Congrats!

  48. Allie replied:


  49. Carrie replied:

    I would looooove this!!!

  50. Lauren Vanni replied:

    How awesome! Congrats on another milestone. 🙂

  51. Ashley B. replied:

    Congrats! I’ve been impressed with your store so far and love finding good deals on CDs!

  52. Nicole Hoadley replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane!! I hope I win!

  53. Kelly replied:

    Congratulations on 3500 fans!

  54. Melissa replied:

    How exciting! Hope I win this!

  55. Maia G replied:

    I would love a shopping spree! I have so many diapers I want to try

  56. Rebecca M. replied:

    Congratulations! Thanks for the generous giveaway! 🙂

  57. Kelli Marker replied:


  58. Jessi Egger replied:

    Great job!

  59. Toni Carey replied:


  60. Ashley Jossick replied:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway 🙂

  61. Raeanne replied:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to win! I ❤ cloth diapering!

  62. Rachelle Betow replied:

    Congrats! I hope I win! 🙂

  63. Leslie Twining replied:


  64. Rebecca G. replied:

    Yahoo for fans!

  65. Meng Tatel replied:

    Hooray for 3500!

  66. Danielle J. replied:

    Yay for 3500 fans!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. Katie Barrett replied:

    YAY!!! I need new fluff!! :O)

  68. -P replied:


  69. Elisha replied:


  70. Lauren K replied:


  71. Emily replied:

    Congrats on all of your new fans! :o)

  72. carly replied:

    Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!!

  73. Felicia R replied:

    I would love to win! Congrats on hitting 3,500!

  74. Tiffany Ahmann replied:

    I’d love to win 🙂

  75. Allison replied:


  76. Jenny McClamroch (@JennyMcClamroch) replied:

    I would love to win!!!

  77. Rachel replied:


  78. AmyH replied:

    Congrats on so many fans! I’m one of the new ones and I’d love to have a little shopping spree! 🙂

  79. Caitlin replied:

    Congrats on all of the fans! I’m happy to count myself as one of them!

  80. Brande Payne replied:

    Awesome! Happy to see so much interest!

  81. Casey replied:

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  82. Erin Becker replied:

    Yay! Congratulations on more well-deserved fans.

  83. Georgia Cribb replied:

    Ooooh that’s awesome, I hope I win one!!! 😀

  84. Lisa A replied:

    Congratulations on the growing fan base!! 🙂

  85. Kristen Jeffery replied:

    Wow! This is awesome!!! Thanks!

  86. Brittney H replied:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!!

  87. Allison A replied:

    Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  88. Laura replied:

    Would love to win!

  89. Erin Robinson replied:

    Thank you!!

  90. Jenny Wisdom replied:

    Congratulations on 3500! And thank you for the giveaway

  91. Heather Moore replied:

    Thank you for the giveaway!! 😀

  92. MJ replied:

    Yay congrats on reaching so many people!

  93. Katie Lunderman replied:


  94. Drea replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  95. Megan replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500!!

  96. Ali Peterson replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500, I’d be thrilled to win a voucher!

  97. Jared P. replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  98. Christine McDaniel replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  99. Samantha Cuhel replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Congrats on 3500 🙂

  100. rktshot replied:

    you all are so helpful. Thanks for all the giveaways!

  101. Ada Bradley replied:


  102. Breezy J. Moyer replied:


  103. Amanda replied:


  104. Elizabeth P replied:

    Congrats on 3,500! That’s awesome!

  105. Stephanie replied:

    Thanks for the chance!

  106. Jessica H. replied:

    Glad I became a fan! I am brand new to CD’ing and would love to be able to build my stash & accessories! 😀

  107. Erin mitchell replied:

    Oooooh, me please!!!

  108. Libby Hunt replied:

    thanks for the chance!

  109. megan replied:

    I would love to win

  110. Holly Pierce replied:

    You guys are awesome!

  111. Amanda Alvarado replied:

    Awesome! Congrats!!!

  112. Ashley replied:

    Hooray for Abby’s Lane!

  113. Christina F. replied:

    we’ve recently started part-time cloth diapering and we are still stocking up on supplies. like, you know, pail liners… 🙂

  114. Erin K. replied:

    Come on, random.org! Mama needs some new wool!!

  115. amy v replied:

    thanks for the giveaway!

    annae07 at aol dot com

  116. Maureen Erin Monk replied:


  117. Beth Eckert replied:

    thanks for the giveaway : )

  118. Amanda B. replied:

    Here’s hoping!

  119. Hannah Avery replied:

    This is awesome! I really love your store! The free shipping is great! You are basically my Go To Store when I need something, especially accessories!

    -Hannah Avery


  120. Monica replied:

    Congrats on all the fans!

  121. Rheanna Christine replied:

    you guys are awesome!!!!! thanks so much! fingers and toes crossed 🙂

  122. Amy Milton replied:

    Yay more fans!

  123. ereica beard replied:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win! Keeping my fingers crossed

  124. Becca replied:

    Congrats on the huge number of fans!! 🙂

  125. Andrea S replied:

    Yay for the fans-benchmark and thanks for the giveaway!

  126. Sarah G. replied:

    Congrats! I can think of a lot of fluff to buy with $50! 😀

  127. AnnIe T. replied:


  128. Alexis Bertch replied:

    I would love to win!!

  129. Danielle P replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  130. Samantha Allen replied:

    Wow, your fan base is growing fast! Must be all that amazing customer service! 😉 Congrats!

  131. Lavanna Hazel replied:

    Yay! Congrats to you! 🙂

  132. Kristina S replied:

    Congrats! And thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  133. Susan Gilchrist replied:

    Congrats on being so popular!!!

  134. Rachel Campbell replied:

    Yay!! Fingers crossed!

  135. Lindsay Coffman replied:

    I would love to win one of these! 🙂

  136. Derek replied:

    Yay You!

  137. Lindsey C. replied:

    Congrats Abby’s Lane!!!

  138. allison replied:

    thanks for this easy peasy giveaway:) and congrats!

  139. Kelsie Harris replied:

    Thanks for the great (and easy to enter) giveaway and congratulations.

    klshrrs at gmail dot com

  140. Heather replied:

    Oooo…enter me please!

  141. Meredith E. replied:

    Yay for 3500!

  142. allison replied:

    Growing and growing and growing…hooray!

  143. Jennifer Warticfk replied:

    Congrats! I hope to win so I can start my cloth diaper collection for my new little one due in March

  144. sara cox replied:

    Congrats! Here’s to many more loving fans! 🙂

  145. Katie S replied:

    I’d love to win. I could use some newborn/small diapers for the baby I’m expecting! Thanks!!!!!!

  146. Nikole H. replied:

    Woo hoo! ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  147. Denise Taylor replied:

    Congratulations on reaching that many fans! And thanks for all of your awesome giveaways 🙂

  148. SenoritaLaura replied:

    Crossing my fingers!

  149. Kate Zerrenner replied:

    I just discovered Abby’s Lane through a friend and I love it!

  150. Allison replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane! Congrats : ).

  151. Kim Davis replied:

    Congrats! I continue to refer as many people as I can!

  152. Hannah M replied:

    Congrats! This will be wonderful for two people!

  153. Tiffany Kreh (@tiff_leigh) replied:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win! Would love to try some different brands.

  154. theglovergazette replied:

    Awesome. Yay for 3500!

  155. Maria D. replied:

    Out of 3500 fans, I think I’m your biggest one. ❤ Congratulations!

  156. Aviva Klein Rosenberg replied:

    Pick me! Pick me!

  157. Mary H replied:

    Yay! Pick me, pick me! 🙂

  158. Dana K replied:

    Yay for more fans for you guys! And yay for a chance to win! 🙂

  159. Melissa replied:

    Congrats! Hope to win 🙂

  160. Heather A replied:

    Oooh. This would be awesome to win 🙂

  161. Danielle replied:

    Congrats! And I hope that I get picked as we have a new one on the way 😉

  162. Kelly M replied:


  163. Brian Z replied:


  164. Laura S. replied:

    Pick me!

  165. Rose replied:

    Congrats! Count me in please.

  166. Christine replied:

    Facebook fan Christine Lopes.

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  167. Liz E replied:

    Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway!

  168. Jeania replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans!

  169. Shan replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans!! Love your store. Please pick me! I will put it to great use. 🙂

  170. Karin replied:

    I would love to try the new Thirsties AIOs!

  171. Brandy Anderson replied:

    I would love to win this. 🙂

  172. Ali replied:

    Oh, so many thing I would love to buy!

  173. Lisa Lundeen Nagel replied:

    Abby’s Lane rocked my wash routine! I so appreciate you and would be a very happy winner.

  174. Hannah G replied:

    I’d love to win! Thanks!

  175. Traci D. replied:

    Ooh, ooh, pick me, pick me!!! Need stuff bad!

  176. tessa smith replied:

    I would love to win! I need to expand my stash!! 🙂

  177. Steph H replied:

    that’s so great! glad the word is spreading about this awesome store 🙂

  178. Leann L replied:

    Would love to win. Thanks so much for the chance. 🙂

  179. Melissa R. replied:


  180. Sara replied:


  181. Aimee Miller replied:

    What a great giveaway! Would love to win 🙂

  182. Sarah Miller replied:

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  183. Ashley replied:

    Ooh I want to win. 🙂

  184. MeChelleSnell replied:

    Thanks for being a Giving Diapers sponsor. I saw you at the party!

  185. April Walraven replied:

    Congrats, and thank you for the giveaway 🙂

  186. Barbara Mann replied:


  187. Kate C replied:

    Yay! Congratulations! Thank you for the giveaways!

  188. Maggie replied:

    Awesome! Yay, Abby’s Lane! 🙂

  189. Nora Ribble replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Love your shop 😀

  190. Tonya replied:

    Would love a gift card! Thank you for the give away.

  191. Ela Reddy replied:

    I love Abby’s Lane!!

  192. Stephanie W. replied:

    Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway!
    Would love to win and use it to help us stock up on thirsties size 2 for nighttime now that our LO is moving into the new size 🙂

  193. Rebekah replied:

    Congrats and thanks!

  194. Heather J Craft replied:

    3500 fans and growing! CONGRATS!

  195. Lucy replied:

    Congrats on all the fans!

  196. Rachel Grimsby replied:

    Fantastic! Thank you for all of the great giveaways and weekly incentives 🙂

  197. Nicole replied:

    Happy to be one of the 3500!

  198. Kimberly Hamel replied:

    Thank you for the chance to win. Congrats on 3500 fans!

  199. Christy replied:

    Yay, thanks so much for all the giveaways!

  200. Melissa replied:

    Fingers crossed. Love you guys!

  201. sarah shult replied:

    YEAH! FIngers are crossed:) Thank you!!

  202. Brandy replied:

    Baby # 2 is on his way, I could totally use this for newborn fluff!

  203. DDevin BBerna replied:

    woohoo! hope I win, lol!

  204. Jaime replied:

    Love to see how you’re growing! 🙂

  205. Andrea M replied:

    Love your store!

  206. Brandy Rogers Davis replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  207. Kim replied:

    I’d love to win!! 🙂

  208. Jesllee replied:

    I would love to win, I love so many items that you carry!

  209. Jessica Knudsen replied:

    Thanks for the great giveaway. I would love to win one of them.

  210. Brent replied:

    pick me!

  211. Kim replied:

    congrats on 3500

  212. Nuri K replied:

    Love your store… congrats!

  213. Erin O replied:

    Great place to shop!

  214. Katherine T. replied:

    Yay 3500 fans!!!

  215. Tracey replied:

    I would love to win this

  216. Melissa replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans! 🙂 Please pick me! 🙂

  217. Sarah Hull replied:

    Congrats on the fans! Thank you for the awesome giveaway opportunity!

  218. Jana replied:

    Congratulations! Awesome giveaway!

  219. Amy M replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway. Love the fluff!

  220. Lisa K replied:

    Congrats and I’m glad to see you’re a Giving Diapers, Giving Hope sponsor!

  221. Ellen replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway. Gotta love Abby’s Lane!

  222. Jennifer A replied:

    Thanks for all you do!

  223. Heather replied:

    Great giveaway! hoping to win!

  224. Jessica replied:

    Great Job! I love your store! I’m so sad I don’t live in Virginia anymore. I’d love to win the giveaway and still “shop” online.

  225. Suzy replied:

    You all have THE BEST customer service, love the personalized assistance! My first go-to CD site/store!

  226. Carrie replied:

    Hope I win!

  227. Brooke replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  228. Kimberly replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway!

  229. Michelle B. replied:

    Congratulations on reaching 3500 fans!

  230. Michelle replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  231. Beth R replied:

    Thank you for the fantastic giveaway!!!! Congratulations on reaching 3500 fans!!

  232. Shane replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  233. Stephanie F replied:

    Love your store! Thanks for another amazing giveaway. 🙂

  234. susanne wedel replied:

    that voucher would get me some new inserts and fitteds. thanks a lot for the giveaway.

  235. Lesley replied:

    Thanks for doing these giveaways!

  236. Katherine Claytor replied:


  237. Rachel D replied:

    Great prize!

  238. Liliana Montemayor-Garcia replied:

    Wow great!!

  239. Julia Stell replied:

    Woohoo! Congratulations!

  240. Ambria D replied:


  241. Janine @ Alternative Housewife replied:

    Awesome – Enter me! 🙂

  242. Tamara Sz replied:

    Congratulations! Oooo…how much lovely fluff could I get with $50?!?!?

  243. Lori replied:

    Congratulations to my favorite diaper store!

  244. Katrina Vaughn replied:

    Ooh, I hope I win! Mama needs a new wet bag and pail liner!

  245. Angie replied:

    I would LOVE to win one.

  246. Margaret Beadle replied:

    Congrats and thx for all the awesome giveaways!

  247. Charlotte McConnell replied:

    Congratulations! Abb

  248. Becky replied:

    Woo hoo!

  249. Cari replied:

    What a great giveaway! Congrats on the 3500 friends!

  250. Katie replied:


  251. Amber K. replied:

    Woohoo!! 3500!

  252. Liz Robinson replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500! Thanks for the giveaway!

  253. Sheila S replied:

    Congrats Abby’s Lane on such success. I love your store and am so glad others do too. Hope I win!

  254. Amy Kramer replied:

    Enter me please

  255. Megan Maguire replied:

    Yay! I’m a new fan and looking forward to trying cloth diapering. I am pregnant with our 4th and never tried with the other three. I hope I am picked!

  256. Sarah replied:

    I love to recommend your store!

  257. Tina Surette replied:

    Congratulations on reaching 3500 facebook fans!

  258. Kelly Hoose replied:

    I love your blog! I trust your cloth diaper advice above anyone else’s!

  259. Carrie replied:

    Good job!

  260. Natalie replied:

    Hooray for so many fans!!!

  261. Julie replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!! Congrats on getting so many fans!!


  262. Jenn M replied:

    I ❤ Abby's Lane!

  263. Jennifer A replied:

    Congratulations on so many fans!!!

  264. Leslie R. replied:

    We love Abby’s Lane!

  265. Alaina replied:

    Woohoo! Free diapers would be awesome…

  266. JK replied:

    Please, pick me! 😉

  267. Laura replied:

    I love giveaways! 🙂

  268. emily replied:

    love it 🙂 I recommend your page all the time!

  269. bryan replied:


  270. Erin ropelewski replied:

    Congrats abbys lane….keeping my fingers crossed!

  271. Katie Gilliam Young replied:

    congrats on another big milestone!!!! woot woot!

  272. Kristi Bugajski replied:

    You are the best! 🙂

  273. kim mcintosh replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans!!! And THANK YOU for the opportunity 🙂

  274. Jana Horne replied:

    Congrats!! Hope more fans find your awesome store!!

  275. April replied:


  276. Sheila O replied:

    You are adding fans so quickly! Great work.

  277. JessicaC replied:

    Congrats! Hoping to win!

  278. Nikki Manns replied:

    I really, really hope I get picked!

  279. betsy replied:

    Congrats! Thanks again!

  280. Cheryl replied:

    Congrats! I’d love a gift card for diapers.

  281. Emily Mitchell replied:

    Way to go with the Facebook fans!

  282. JennyOH replied:

    Wow, congrats on so many followers, thanks for the giveaway!

  283. Jen K replied:

    Woohoo! Way to go!

  284. Meghan V. replied:

    I think you all getting fans faster than ever before! Congrats!

  285. Adrienne replied:

    What would I buy? Shoes for my daughter? A sandwich bag for my husband’s lunch? A few newborn diapers for my one-on-the-way? So many choices…

  286. Romina replied:

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  287. Carrie S. replied:

    Hope I can get some fluff for the new little one 🙂

  288. sara m replied:

    Wow congratulations and thank you for the opportunity!

  289. Tiffany Coffman replied:

    Hurray! Congrats, hope I win ❤

  290. Megan Sipe replied:

    Congratulations! I would love to win this! My baby is due on February 12th so it would be really awesome!

  291. Tracie replied:

    Oh, pick me, pick me! $50 would be great!

  292. Melissa Wagner replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  293. Mickie Shipley replied:


  294. Rebecca replied:

    Yay for giveaways! Congrats on having so many fans!

  295. Amanda Parker replied:

    Thanks you very much!!!

  296. Dawn V replied:

    I would love to win!

  297. Anna Houser replied:

    fingers crossed!

  298. Adrienne replied:

    Thanks for the chance!

  299. Kimberlie T replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the chance!

  300. Lori replied:

    Would love to get some items from your store!!!

  301. Melissa K replied:

    Congrats and thanks!!

  302. Nita replied:

    Woohoo! Pick me! Congratulations on a great milestone. 🙂 I always recommend Abbys to all my friends interesting in babywearing or CDing.

  303. Laura B. replied:

    THere is always something to buy at Abby’s Lane!

  304. Shannon Ropp replied:

    OH this would be fun to win 🙂 We are expecting #4 soon and will need more diaper.

  305. Anna zepeda replied:

    Love you guys and all the help you’ve giving me. Thank you! Totally recommended you to my friends and hope your fan base keeps growing!

  306. Jessica Greene replied:

    Yay for new fans 🙂

  307. casey replied:

    Yay for new people finding the store on facebook. They won’t be disappointed 🙂

  308. Abby Borders replied:

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  309. Ashley Howe replied:

    I want to win 🙂

  310. Jena S replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  311. Leigh D. replied:

    Yay! So many fans! Thanks for the giveaway!

  312. Theresa Fitzsimmons replied:

    Congrats, this page just keeps growing and growing!!

  313. Julie K replied:

    🙂 So exciting would love to win!

  314. Jolie Newman replied:

    I would love to win!!!

  315. Katie in VA replied:

    Such a fun giveaway!!!!!!!!

  316. Carolyn H replied:

    I would love to win! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  317. Leah R replied:

    Congrats! Would love to win 🙂

  318. Jodi J replied:

    Congrats!!! I’m planning a shopping spree at Abby’s Lane soon to get ready for the little girl on the way.

  319. rachel hockey replied:

    Congrats on so many followers!

  320. Sabrina R replied:

    Congrats and thanks for the chance!

  321. Megan Horn replied:

    Happy 3500!

  322. Miranda T replied:

    Congrats!!! Thanks for yet another giveaway 🙂 You are amazing!

  323. Emma replied:

    Yay! I could totally use a voucher to help add to my stash before my LO arrives in March 🙂

  324. Rebecca replied:

    Congrats on this incredible milestone!

  325. Teri G replied:

    Congrats…I am glad that Abby’s Lane keeps getting your name out. Love you guys!

  326. Emily M replied:

    Congratulations!! I would love to win this giveaway. 🙂

  327. Lesley M. replied:

    Y’all deserve all those fans. Thanks for the great customer service and giveaways!

  328. Vanessa Coker replied:

    So generous! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.

  329. Della Leahy replied:

    Me, me, me!

  330. Brittany Thomas replied:

    Oh the diapers I could get with this giveaway!

  331. Laura replied:


  332. Linda replied:


  333. megan lennox replied:

    I ❤ cloth!! 🙂

  334. Alyssa Groen replied:

    Three cheers!

  335. SuzanneD replied:

    Congrats AL!! I tell everyone I can about you 🙂

  336. Michelle A. Dulin replied:

    That’s a lot of fans!

  337. Full Time Mama replied:

    You guys are rockin’ on the FB fans! Way to go!!

  338. Jessica Rabbitt replied:


  339. Amanda O. replied:


  340. Emily Moore replied:

    Congratulations! Excited because Mama needs some new diapers! lol! Love Abbys Lane ❤

  341. Denielle replied:

    congrats, that is great!

  342. Bridgett zaidi replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  343. Lori Flanagan replied:

    Thanks for the chance

  344. Erika Castro replied:

    Wahoo! Fun – would love to win! 🙂

  345. Rachel DeHart replied:

    I’d love to win.

  346. Tiphany Nickens replied:

    Pick me! pick me!

  347. Karen replied:

    New baby GIRL coming in June. Would love to buy some pink covers!

  348. fancygrlnancy replied:

    Thanks for the chance!!

  349. Tracy replied:

    Giveaways are awesome!!!

  350. Bekah Peiffer replied:

    hoping for a $50 voucher! 🙂

  351. Jennifer S. replied:

    Would love to win!

  352. Katie replied:

    Would love this! Thanks for the chance!

  353. Shelby E replied:

    Congrats on all the fans. =)

  354. Lisa B replied:

    Awesome! thanks for the chanceto win.

  355. Kimberly A. replied:

    Congrats thats a awesome number!

  356. Gillian replied:

    I’d love to win this one! Thanks!

  357. Rebekah replied:

    That is awesome that u do giveaways!!:)

  358. Amanda replied:

    This is great 🙂

  359. Aleah replied:

    Congrats! I’d love to win!

  360. Jennifer Turner replied:

    Would love to win!!! Love my Abbys Lane!!

  361. Nicole Christofield replied:

    Happy giveaway

  362. Danielle replied:

    Oh, boy! I’m excited about this one! 🙂

  363. Karyn Dunavant replied:

    Yay! Hooray for 3500! I haven’t gotten anything online; just the store! Hope to be in soon for some boosters. My 4 month old is already super soaking!

  364. Allyson replied:

    Wow, you guys are rockin’ the fb world!! congrats

  365. Shannon replied:

    I love Abby’s Lane!!!

  366. Sarah replied:

    Congrats on all the fans! I’d love to win $50 to your store 🙂

  367. Debby Dawson replied:

    Yay! Congrats!!!!

  368. Kelly Clarke replied:

    Hurray for 3500 fans!!!

  369. Ginny replied:

    Congratulations! I recommend you all to everyone!

  370. Jenn replied:

    Congrats on all your friends! I love checking out your site!

  371. Ashley Templeman replied:

    You guys are awesome! I’d love you even if you didn’t do amazing giveaways like this….but I’m not complaining!! 🙂

  372. Rachel replied:

    Pick me. 🙂

  373. Ashley E. replied:

    Wow! Congrats! This would be awesome to win!

  374. Mary replied:

    Oh wow, lot’s of friends out there! Would love to win!!

  375. Sari Berry replied:

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  376. Vashti M replied:

    Thanks for the chance!

  377. Ann Rochen replied:

    $50 would put a nice dent in a new Boba carrier 🙂

  378. Jenny K replied:

    Congrats! I could always use more cloth diapers!

  379. Aubrea replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane!

  380. Alissa McC replied:

    Thanks for the giveaways! You ladies are the BEST! I never could have cd’d three babies at the same time without the help you gave me to get started three years ago. Thanks!!

  381. Andrea Campbell replied:

    Thank you for the opportunity!! 🙂

  382. Ashley replied:

    Thanks for the giveaways. 🙂

  383. Hannah M replied:

    Ooo, sounds amazing! Thanks for the opportunity!

    Hannah M

  384. Hensllyn replied:

    So grateful I found your website.

  385. Andrea M replied:


  386. Raeanne replied:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win! You folks deserve the fans! I ❤ cloth diapering!!!

  387. Courtney M replied:

    Congrats on the 3500 fans!! Proud to be one! Fantastic company! Thanks for the giveaway!

  388. Kristen Bickel replied:

    Ooh! Pick me!!

  389. Lisa Husebo replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane!

  390. Jeri Thurber replied:

    I could SO use the $50.00 towards some new diaper covers – our hook and loops are wearing out!

  391. Jen L replied:

    Would love to win this to give to my cousin so she could use cloth too.

  392. Andrea West replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  393. Christina replied:

    Yay! Congrats!

  394. healthychickkiersten replied:

    Congrats on 3500! 🙂

  395. Cara replied:

    I love your store…especially the free shipping!

  396. Betsey Costner replied:

    Thanks for all of your great give aways! I am always hoping to get some more fluff!

  397. stacy h replied:

    thank you and congrats!

  398. jessica shevlin replied:

    Thank you!

  399. Regan S replied:

    This would be great! Thanks for the giveaway

  400. dana replied:

    Congrats Ladies!!

  401. Maria Ivey replied:

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  402. Teri G replied:

    Congratulations! Thanks for the chance at a voucher! Have a great weekend!

  403. Gina replied:

    Congrats again!!

  404. Hallie replied:

    Yay! Congratulations!

  405. Alicia replied:

    This would be a great chance to find a night time solution. : )

  406. Noelle replied:

    With another due in March, I would love to win!!

  407. Rachel N replied:

    Great prize

  408. Lisa replied:

    Thanks for another great giveaway!

  409. Sonya replied:


  410. Diane L replied:

    I love Abbys Lane. Thanks for the chance to win!

  411. Cristin replied:

    Baby was born yesterday! This would be so great for ordering the items on the registry at Abby Lane!!

  412. Emily W replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  413. Yaya replied:

    We love Abby’s Lane!

  414. Georgia replied:

    Congratulations! Love your wool and Planet Wise!

  415. Mike replied:

    Congrats! My wife is a big fan!

  416. Danielle replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  417. Danica Q (@DaniQool) replied:

    Yay for more fans! Thank you!

  418. Erin replied:

    I just moved to your area, cant wait to visit the store!

  419. Nikki Garner replied:

    Hope I win!

  420. Robin Karasinski replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane =)

  421. Mallory T replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway, Yay!

  422. Beth K replied:

    thank you for the chance to win!

  423. Megan replied:

    Pick me, Pick me!! I love you, random.org! 😉

  424. Carly replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  425. Melissa H. replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  426. Megan Jacoby replied:

    What a great giveaway! Love your store!

  427. nicole replied:

    congrats!! i would LOVE to win this!!!

  428. Melissa replied:

    Yay for fans and these giveaways!!!

  429. Julie B replied:

    Congrats on all your fans and thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  430. KSBR replied:


  431. angela heffner replied:

    Already a fan! THanks!

  432. Elspeth McCormick replied:

    I am a new fan!

  433. auschick replied:

    I just started CD’ing this week, so this would be awesome for adding to my stash 🙂

  434. Narelle replied:

    Would love to win! I want to try out the Thirsties all in one!

  435. Jill replied:

    OMG – Huge prizes!

  436. Monica C replied:

    I would love to win!!

  437. Hannah Hoenig replied:

    Lots of prizes!!!

  438. tessa replied:

    I would love to win! congrats! 🙂

  439. susanne wedel replied:

    congrats, and thanks for the giveaway.

  440. jclservices replied:

    YAY! Thanks.

  441. Pollyanna Valenzuela replied:

    Abby’s Lane You all ROCK !!! Congrats on all the Fans!!!! I hope I win so I can purchase some goodies for little man. GOD BLESS YOU

  442. Sew-Fatty replied:

    thank you so much abby’s lane .. for having these great giveaways.. congrats on all the fans.

  443. tami replied:

    i ❤ abby's lane 🙂

  444. Veronica Perrington replied:

    Congrats! Pick me!

  445. Susan replied:

    I would love to do some extra shopping at Abby’s Lane! Thanks for the giveaway!

  446. Carissa replied:

    Yay for giveaways! thank you!!

  447. Jamie N. replied:

    Thanks for your giveaways!

  448. Lindsay replied:

    This is great thanks!

  449. Jenn replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500!!

  450. Nicole Christofield replied:

    Excited to try my diapers on my little one.

  451. Callie Minton replied:

    Congratulations! I haven’t found a better place to shop!

  452. Jennie replied:

    I’d love to win! Thank you for the chance, & good luck to everyone!

  453. Mechele Johnson replied:

    You guys rock! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  454. Shasta replied:

    Pick me!!

  455. Amy Barron-Gafford replied:

    Just starting to build up my stash for the 2nd one!

  456. Laura Cavazos replied:

    Here’s to another 500

  457. Denise replied:

    I hope I win!

  458. Keri B. replied:

    Wow, Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂

  459. Simone Higgins replied:

    Yay for promotions! A voucher would definitely help build my stash – baby steps! There are sooo many things I want to buy through Abbys Lane! Fingers crossed. I will add to the “like” numbers once we announce our pregnancy to the facebook public in 3 weeks…until then… 🙂

  460. Suzanne replied:

    Would love to win… thanks!

  461. Nichol replied:

    Congrats on another 500 and thanks for rewarding your fans 🙂

  462. Rachel replied:

    Love free Fluff!

  463. Brittany B replied:

    could definitely use this!

  464. Christina replied:


  465. Tracey replied:


  466. Jenn replied:

    Love reading your blog!

  467. Ashley B. replied:

    Congratulations on the expanding fan base! It’s growing faster than the baby in my belly (I’m stocking up on diapers for him!) 🙂

  468. Andrea G. replied:

    That’s great! Thanks for the giveaway :o)

  469. Limor C replied:

    I can’t remember if I already commented or not but congrats and thanks for the giveaway. This would help me complete my stash for my lil one due any day now!

  470. Cdf Chapterseventhreetwo replied:

    Great Giveaway!

  471. Alex Liz Robinson replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway!

  472. Amy M replied:

    Please pick me 🙂

  473. Sally L replied:

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  474. Katie Santiago replied:

    Awesome giveaway, winning this would just be fantastic!

  475. Dan replied:

    With baby #3 on the way (our first to CD from birth!), I could REALLY use this GC!!! Congrats on your milestone and thank you for the chance!

  476. Rebecca replied:

    Awesome give away!

  477. Rebecca M. replied:

    Congratulations, thanks for the great giveaway!!

  478. Lacey Henry replied:

    I would love to win this!!

  479. Cynthia P replied:

    Oh meeeeeee pleeeease

  480. Stacy F replied:

    Contests are so much fun! I want to win!!

  481. Ashley replied:

    So great that you do so many giveaways!!

  482. sarah replied:

    Congrats on so many fans, I’m thrilled to be one of them!

  483. Fallon replied:

    Thank you for the chance and congrats!!

  484. melissa moore replied:

    I was already a fan – so I thought i’d better comment here for a chance 🙂

  485. Charlotte Robinson replied:

    I’d love to have $50 to spend at your shop!

  486. Cindy B replied:

    Thanks for the great giveaway. We’re almost to 500. Yay!

  487. Heather Harber replied:

    thanks for this awesome give away!!

  488. Glynda gartung replied:

    What an awesome give away!

  489. Jaime replied:

    I’m a fan & would love to win this!

  490. Kim L replied:

    Love your store and would LOVE to win! Here’s hoping!

  491. Manya replied:

    Would love to win!!!

  492. Jll Hardy replied:

    Oh I would love to win this. I have to get more girly dipes!!

  493. miranda howard replied:

    I want more dipes, maybe even to share the cloth love!

  494. Heather replied:

    Thanks for the chance! Winning would be pretty cool!

  495. Alexa Puscas Sifuentes replied:

    Thanks for all you do!

  496. Holly replied:

    Would love to win one, thanks!

  497. Chelsea replied:

    Another fan here.

  498. Mari-Kristin Gilbert replied:

    Close to 4000! Congrats!

  499. Liliana Montemayor-Garcia replied:


  500. Lanie replied:

    Congrats on the stats!!

  501. Leigha replied:

    This would be fantastic to win!

  502. Amy J replied:

    I would LOVE to win!!!

  503. Meg M. replied:

    Yay! Congrats, ladies!

  504. Katrina Collins replied:

    Diapering #5 with #1 in Youth pads! Oy vey! It gets expensive!

  505. Lauren m replied:

    yay:) you guys are great!

  506. Rachel replied:

    Congrats! I’d love to win!

  507. Heather replied:

    I’ve been following you on Twitter forever, but didn’t realized I’d neglected to become a fan on Facebook. Problem solved! 🙂

  508. Brittany B. replied:

    Awesome giveaway! I am very new to cloth diapering, so I’m crossin my finers and toes and eyeballs that I win! This would be a HUGE help!

  509. jenea garges replied:


  510. carly glover replied:

    id so love to win!

  511. kari meeker replied:

    aaw congrats! you’ve been growing so well!!!

  512. Jessica Ortiz replied:

    Sorry my first comment was a reply to someone else, my mistake

  513. Amanda N. replied:

    Very cool! Congrats on your fans and thank you for doing this. 🙂

    ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com

  514. chellesnell replied:

    Cool opportunity! growth is always good too!

  515. chellesnell replied:

    Reblogged this on SkittlesMomma and commented:
    Abby’s Lane is growing! Go comment for a chance to win!

  516. Courtney Kamer replied:

    Ooh ooh, pick me pick me!

  517. katy replied:

    We love Abby’s Lane!! 🙂

  518. Jessi Egger replied:

    Congrats! It would especially make my husband’s day since I seem to shop at your store too much! 🙂

  519. Kristy Schneider replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500 (and 4000) fans! I am so happy to see such amazing store do so well! I always send parents you way! Thanks again for the great customer service…oh…and pick me!

  520. Cathie Hardy replied:

    I would love to win 🙂

  521. sherah replied:

    Congratulations! And thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

  522. Theresa Fitzsimmons replied:

    Awesome blossom 😉

  523. Breanne replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  524. Raagen replied:

    PicK me please

  525. Cyndie Feemster replied:

    would love to win! Hayd needs a swim diaper

  526. The Knapps replied:

    Great giveaway…thanks 🙂

  527. Rachel G replied:

    Congrats!! Thank you for the great giveaway!!

  528. Tara replied:

    This would be so awesome!!!! 🙂

  529. Ashley replied:

    Ooo Pick me 🙂

  530. Jessica Roderick replied:

    Jessica Roderick for the win!!!!!!
    I love abBys lane

  531. lace replied:


  532. Lucinda replied:

    Congrats! Hope it’s me, I need a diaper sprayer and I have my eyes on Flo! 🙂

  533. Jaynah Morgan replied:

    Me please!!

  534. Maureen Erin Monk replied:

    Awesome. Thanks for doing this.

  535. Jenea garges replied:

    So exciting hope I win!

  536. Hannah M replied:

    Ooo, I’d love to win this to buy some diapers for my baby boy due in April!

  537. Ireane C replied:

    How exciting!!!

  538. Jenn B replied:

    Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! Love your store!

  539. .:karen:. replied:

    Thanks and good for you all!!
    Blondredhead at Mac dot com

  540. Kailey Lundquist replied:

    Love Abby’s lane!

  541. Heidi Strain replied:

    I was your 4000 fan.I hope I win.

  542. Jennifer replied:

    Pick me, pick me!

  543. Kristen S replied:

    One of my favorite stores! Would love to win!

  544. kristi rowland replied:

    Congrats on another 500 & thanks for rewarding your fans!

  545. eve choi replied:

    awesome! i love your website!

  546. Elizabeth garrett replied:

    Congratulations on another milestone.

  547. Alexis Bertch replied:

    Congrats on your fans!

  548. Sara Giorgis replied:

    You’re so popular!!

  549. Jennifer Jacobs replied:

    Hope I win. Can always use more diapers:)

  550. Kayla Moore replied:

    Congrats!! You guys are amazing!

  551. Laura replied:

    I need this so bad, my daughter keeps wetting the bed at night!

  552. Jamie Geoghegan replied:

    I’d love to win

  553. Ashley Byer replied:

    Fingers crossed!

  554. Heather replied:

    Yay for awesome giveaways! Hope we win.

  555. Jessica replied:

    Awesome giveaway!

  556. Audrey M. replied:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  557. Helen replied:

    Need to get more CJs

  558. Aubree Faunce replied:

    totally could use this for my twins!!!

  559. Yolanda replied:

    great giveaway!!!

  560. Stephanie replied:

    Yay!!! Congratulations on all the fans 🙂

  561. Copper replied:

    Awesome! I was super impressed with the fast service and shipment of my order from your store. I’ll be shopping with you more!

  562. Tiffany replied:

    Yay! 3500!

  563. Rachael Kojetin replied:

    Me and my little cupcake would love to win!!

  564. mottoblasco replied:

    Sweet 🙂

  565. Stephanie H replied:

    So glad to see so many people are becoming acquainted with your great business!!

  566. Cortnie swies replied:

    Wow you guys rock. I have been shopping with you guys since 2006!!!!

  567. Charlotte Robinson replied:

    Yay! Thanks for the giveaway!

  568. Melissa Tiralla replied:

    Love your website! I think I need to make a trek down to your store though. THAT would be awesome.

  569. Haley replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway.

  570. Katrina collins replied:

    Pick me, Baby I. Needs diapers!

  571. Theresa Velazquez replied:

    WooHoo!! Go Abby’s Lane. Here’s my entry!

  572. Amy replied:

    How exciting! Thanks for the giveaway!

  573. Marie replied:

    I would love to win! Thank you for doing this!

  574. Heidi replied:

    Holy smokes! That was a lot lotta comments to scroll through. Very popular. Congrats:)

  575. Rachel replied:

    Great giveaway! Hope there are many lucky people!!

  576. Lindsay replied:


  577. Ashley Misitzis (@GreekWifeLife) replied:

    I love that I am local to you guys – I can’t wait to get in there again.

  578. Latonya R replied:

    Awesome giveaway!

  579. Jessica M replied:

    cheers to over 4000 now!

  580. Amie replied:

    pick me pick me pick me:)

  581. Amanda replied:

    Sign me up!

  582. Julie R replied:

    Sign me up! I’d love to win

  583. Rachelle Betow replied:

    Congrats! You guys are awesome! Crossing my fingers! 🙂

  584. Jannette replied:

    Hey just wanted to give you a quick heads up and let you knnow a few of thee pictures aren’t loading properly.
    I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue.
    I’ve tried it in two different web browsers
    and both show the same outcome.

  585. Libby replied:

    Excited to get started to Cloth Diapering – and thanks for making my purchase experience a great one!

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