Heavy wetters

Today we are chatting about heavy wetting newborns. Most newborns are not heavy wetters. We have found from chatting with a lot of mamas, most newborns follow the usual route of needing to be changed every 1.5-2 hours during the day, minus cluster feeding/pooping time, and at nighttime the same schedule for the first 4-8 weeks while they are still pooping at night when they feed (hint here for the first time mamas, change the baby after you feed/nurse them, they always poop after a good burp, if you change them first then feed them, you will be doing it again 10 minutes later.

If you have a hard-to-wake baby and need to feed them disregard what I just said and change them first, it will wake them up, you can feed them than change again, just get a few extra diapers for this-LOL). If you are using prefolds and covers exclusively, and find those 2, maybe 3 if you are lucky, hour stretches at nighttime are oversaturating your diapers, an easy way to optimize absorbency is to trifold a second prefold, and lay it in the middle of the prefold you wrap around the baby. If you do this, you may need to size up your covers earlier than expected, especially if you are using newborn covers and infant prefolds. If you have a 5-7 pounder and you need this, use a preemie prefold as a doubler, for 2-3 dollars you can get one and try it, see if it helps solve the problem at nighttime. For the fitted mamas, same thing, an economical way to double up is by trifolding a prefold with your fitted. If you are using natural fibers, lay it in the middle of the fitted. If you have a stay dry fitted, lay the prefold outside the fitted, between the fitted and the cover, so you have the absorbency but do not lose the stay-dry feature of your fitted. This is an easy way to solve this problem, once the baby stops pooping at night, most have beefed up enough to use some pockets or extra small pockets if you need to boost absorbency again, or have enough leg chunk to use some of the thicker fitteds, even some of the one size fitteds you can snap down for huge absorbency.

July 16, 2010. cloth diapers, Diaper Chatter, Newborns, Q & A. Leave a comment.