Deck the Halls, $50.00 for all!

Well, not “all”, really….trying to be festive 😉
We hit 3000 fans before Christmas, so to sweeten our giveaway we usually do every 500 fans, 3 will be up for grabs
(and one on twitter as well, head over there to see how to win!

To enter below, just toss in a comment (one per person, please), we will pick three winners for a $50.00 voucher each on December 31!

December 21, 2011. Uncategorized.


  1. Tiffany replied:

    Yay for 3,000 fans!

    • KD replied:

      So very exciting!!

    • Melissa Smithers replied:

      Very cool : ) I’m also a recent fan, and had great customer service on my order recently!

  2. Kristen Russell replied:

    Yay!!! Happy Holidays!!!

  3. Kayla Joy Priest replied:

    Congrats! THanks for the giveaways.

  4. Angie K. replied:

    Love your site!

  5. Kim Merritt replied:

    Excellent! Merry Christmas!

  6. Brittany Thomas replied:

    How awesome!

  7. Katie Podlinski replied:

    Yay!!! Merry Christmas!! 🙂

  8. Amanda replied:

    Congrats on 3K! Pick ME!

  9. Sarah Ashkar replied:

    Fantastic! Thanks for the chance!

  10. debbie m replied:

    Congratulations on 3,000…..may there be 3,000 more!

  11. Molly replied:

    Merry Christmas! 🙂

  12. Cyndi replied:

    Happy Holidays!!

  13. Meghan B replied:


  14. Rebecca M. replied:

    Merry Christmas!! Thanks for the fun giveaway! 🙂

  15. Caroline replied:

    Ooh! Me, please! We NEED trainers!

  16. Megan replied:

    How awesome! Have a Happy Holiday 🙂

  17. michelle mussell replied:

    Just bought my first diaper from abbylane last week! Thanks for free shipping! Can’t wait to get my BG artist series and I’d love to win!

  18. rktshot replied:

    Thanks for all your giveaways and your awesome customer service! Merry Christmas!

  19. Summer Garcia replied:

    I love your website, and your super fast shipping!

  20. Melissa Shie replied:

    Yeah! Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Kelli T. replied:

    Yay for more fans!!

  22. Sarah J replied:

    Congrats on 3K! Merry Christmas! 🙂

  23. Alison P replied:

    I would buy my friend who just had her baby 7 weeks early some bumgenius newborn diapers and thirsties wipes (the best). Please oh pretty please pick me!

  24. Barbara Mann replied:

    Awesome! Merry CHRISTmas!

  25. Emma replied:

    Congrats on the 3000 fans! That’s awesome 🙂

  26. Adrian B. replied:

    Yay for 3,000 fans! Congrats!!!

  27. Jennifer B replied:

    woo hoo! Happy HOlidays Merrry Christmas!

  28. Jessica Swicegood replied:

    So SO Excited!! Merry Christmas!!

  29. Brandilyn replied:

    Thanks for a great giveaway

  30. Ellen replied:

    Congrats! Would love to win, especially to try out the Freetimes!

  31. Allison Russo replied:

    Would love to win. Happy Holidays all!

  32. Heather Knobbe replied:

    Yay I hope we win!

  33. Susan Gilchrist replied:

    Merry Christmas!!

  34. SenoritaLaura replied:

    Yay! Hope to win!

  35. lindahnub replied:

    This is awesome!!! 🙂 Thanks!

  36. Heather M replied:

    Exciting that you hit 3000

  37. Becca S replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. Sabrina Dahl Radke replied:

    I am not shocked you have 3,000 fans….you offer great products at a great price and offer THE BEST customer service and cloth diaper assistance ever!

  39. Melissa K replied:

    Congrats 🙂

  40. vika replied:


  41. Loren Jacobs replied:

    Love the weeklt newsletters! I need all the tips I can get! We are gunna come by the store for story time one of these thursdays!

  42. Erin Koza replied:

    Yay congrats!!!!

  43. Kristy J replied:


  44. debby d replied:

    Congrats on 3000 fans!!

  45. Sarah replied:


  46. Megan Sipe replied:

    I am excited to cloth diaper my baby due in February!

  47. Carrie replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  48. missy h replied:

    happy holidays!!

  49. Jillian replied:

    Woooo! 3000 is quite an accomplishment!

  50. Jess Shoemaker replied:

    Happy Holidays! What a great Christmas present!!

  51. sara cox replied:

    Happy 3000 likes and Merry Christmas!!!

  52. amy m replied:

    Congrats on 3000 fans!

  53. JustCorey replied:

    congrats on 3000!

  54. simplymerry replied:

    Yay, congrats!!

  55. michele oberg replied:

    Yay! You guys are awesome!

  56. Hannah Hoenig replied:


  57. Laura Cooper replied:

    What a generous giveaway ! Merry Christmas!

  58. Darien replied:

    Yay for 3,000 fans! Merry Christmas!

  59. Eve & Milo's Mom replied:

    Awesome! Happy Holidays!

  60. Rachelle Betow replied:

    Congratulations! I found you recently and have been SO impressed with everything!!! I would SOOOO appreciate winning as I have a toddler in dipes and a baby due in April!

  61. melannie replied:

    Thank you and merry christmas

  62. Rachel N replied:

    Merry Merry Christmas!

  63. Loni Gofran replied:

    Merry Christmas! and Congrats!
    a $50 voucher would go a long way towards finishing up my friend’s stash- she didn’t have the means to invest in cloth and has 2 kids under 16 months- so we decided to provide one for her. Can’t wait until she can get some fluff on those little behinds!

  64. Meg M. replied:

    Congrats on 3000, and thanks for the giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  65. Sari Berry replied:

    Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!

  66. Brian Z replied:


  67. Jenny McClamroch replied:


  68. Bryan replied:

    Congrats & Happy Holidays!

  69. Kelly M replied:


  70. -P replied:

    Whoop, whoop!

  71. Delora (@delora) replied:

    3k? NICE!

  72. Lauren Smith replied:

    Yea! Merry Christmas!

  73. Kathrine B replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway!

  74. KSBR replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  75. Stacie Berreth replied:

    This is awesome!!!

  76. Melissa replied:

    Pick me! 🙂

  77. Melissa G replied:

    Yay! Happy Holidays!!

  78. Ashley Templeman replied:

    Sooo excited!! Congrats on hitting 3000!!

  79. kansascitymurads replied:

    congrats! thanks for the giveaway!@

  80. Samantha Cuhel replied:

    Happy Holidays! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  81. Linda replied:

    Hooray! Congrats! And a merry Christmas to you.

  82. Rachel G replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3000!

  83. Stephanie!! replied:


  84. trenne replied:


  85. Carla M replied:

    Thanks! Happy Holidays!

  86. Leslie R. replied:

    I’m one of those new fans! Love the store!

    Happy Holidays!

  87. Heather J Craft replied:

    Yay for new fluff lovers!!!! Happy Holidays!!!

  88. Christina F. replied:

    congrats! i’ve only found youall recently, but it’s been so much fun to watch your fanbase grow so quickly in such a short time!

  89. dclownfish03 replied:


  90. Brittney H replied:

    Congrats on 3,000! Happy Holidays!

  91. dana replied:

    Congrats! Merry Christmas!

  92. Amy C replied:

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  93. amanda replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway

  94. Heidi F replied:

    You’re amazing! Thank you & Good luck to everyone!! Merry Christmas 🙂

  95. Allison A replied:

    Happy Holidays!

  96. Emily replied:

    Yay!! Merry Christmas!

  97. Katherine D replied:

    Congrats on 3000!!!! ❤ your store and customer service!

  98. Lynn replied:

    Congrats on the achievement.

  99. Lauren Staples replied:

    Merry Christmas & happy 3000 fans!

  100. Mikala replied:

    wow! so many fans! thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  101. lisa Burrows replied:

    Thanks for the chance!

  102. Alyssa C replied:

    Yea!!! I’d love to win!

  103. Lesley replied:

    Happy Holidays!!

  104. Alisha D replied:

    Merry Christmas!! And yay for 3000!!! Thank you for the chance!

  105. Meaghan replied:

    I’d love to win!

  106. thefabfullerfamily replied:

    $50! Woo Hoo!
    Congrats on the 3000

  107. Felicia R replied:

    Yay, congrats!! Happy Holidays!! $50 would be an awesome Xmas gift to me 🙂

  108. Jenn M replied:

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  109. Laura B. replied:

    Congrats on 3000 fans.

  110. Brandy Rogers Davis replied:

    Thanks for the chance to win! I’m super excited to see who wins the vouchers! Congrats on getting 3,000 fans!

  111. Lisanne Gibson replied:

    yay! Merry Christmas!

  112. Jessie S. replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  113. Ginny replied:

    Thanks so much! Congrats on reaching the goal!

  114. Sarah Hull replied:

    Congratulations on the fans! 🙂 Tganks for the awesome goveaway! Hope you have a very merry Christmas!

  115. zephyrhill replied:

    Thanks for such an easy and fun giveaway!

    ducksoup at wamego dot net

  116. denise g replied:

    I would love this!!! Thank you!!!

  117. sarah shult replied:

    Congratulations! My fingers are crossed:)

  118. Aimee replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  119. Erin Becker replied:

    I love Abby’s Lane! Congrats on 3000 well deserved fans.

  120. Julie G. replied:

    Enter me please! 🙂 Happy Holidays!!!

  121. jessie mcLouth replied:

    Happy Holidays to everyone at Abby’s Lane! Congrats on 3000 fans 🙂

  122. Lauren Vanni replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3,000! What a merry Christmas it would be to win.

  123. Elisha replied:

    Since I’m just starting out, that would be awesome to win!!! Merry Christmas! 🙂

  124. Elizabeth P. replied:

    How awesome, congrats on 3000 fans! Happy happy holidays!

  125. Pollyanna Valenzuela replied:

    Awesome giveaway !!!
    Pray Im one of the lucky WINNERS !!

    Thank You
    God Bless You

  126. Liz Robinson replied:

    Merry Christmas! Congrats on 3000!

  127. Liz E replied:

    Hooray! Congratulations!

  128. Rebekah replied:

    Anything cloth is awesome in my book. Pick me!!! 😉

  129. Lindsay Coffman replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane! Quick shipping, great service! I would love to win!

  130. Katie Austin replied:

    Yay!!! 3000 fans is great! Thank you for always being so helpful and offering so many great offers 🙂

  131. Leasa replied:

    So awesome

  132. Ali replied:

    Yay!!! Thanks for amazing site & awesome giveaways!!! Pick me!

  133. Courtney G replied:

    Abby’s Lane is the best! The only place I buy fluff and related accessories from now.

  134. Melissa DeAngelo replied:

    3,000 fans, you rock! Have a Merry Christmas!!

  135. sarah bankus replied:

    yay for 3000! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  136. vanessa replied:

    Abbys lane is the best.

  137. Linnea replied:

    Yay for all the fans!

  138. Ashley replied:

    Yea for you!! Thanks for the giveaways!

  139. Lisa A replied:

    Congratulations!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 🙂

  140. Tiffany replied:

    Merry Christmas! Crossing my fingers you pick me 🙂

  141. Rachel Grimsby replied:

    Crossing my fingers for this one! My b-day is the 28th so it would be a perfect gift, lol!

  142. Jaime replied:

    congrats on 3,000!

  143. Anne E. Perry replied:

    Happy Happy Holidays!!

  144. Michelle Ferguson replied:

    Yay! Would love to win! Merry Christmas!

  145. Susan M. replied:

    Merry Christmas!!

  146. Jennifer Narron replied:

    Pick me!! I need something for overnight!!

  147. Brent replied:

    pick me!

  148. Karin replied:

    Yay!! Would love to use this on some bumGenius once they find their way to you!

  149. Lana replied:

    pick me! 🙂

  150. Kim replied:


  151. halloranfamily replied:

    Yay, for more fans! Loooove Abby’s Lane! It’s always been a pleasure ordering from them. ❤

  152. Joanne Cunha Moran replied:

    Congrats 🙂

  153. kim replied:

    You guys have been awesome at helping us start the attempt of cloth diapering!

  154. Travis replied:

    Pick my wife!

  155. Carrie Warner replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the give-away! Merry Christmas!

  156. Courtney replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

    • Elisha Frumkin replied:

      Thanks for being so awesome – congrats on 3000 fans!

  157. Carrie Goad replied:

    Thank you for this give away chance. How awesome 🙂

    Merry Christmas (happy hanukkah or whatever your festivities call for) to everyone.

    Love your store~hoping you have a great New Year!

  158. Michelle replied:


  159. Kelsie Harris replied:

    Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

  160. Samantha Allen replied:

    Yay! Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway!
    smoo06 at yahoo dot com

  161. Jessica K. replied:

    What a great giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  162. Ashley replied:

    Yeah 🙂

  163. Melissa replied:

    fingers crossed

  164. Misty Brammer replied:

    Yay for 3000!

  165. Megan H replied:

    Dear, I love you almost as much as I love Abby’s Lane!! Pick me, pick me!! 🙂

  166. Andrea replied:

    YAY! Merry Christmas!

  167. Ashley F replied:

    Great news. You guys are awesome! Merry Christmas!

  168. Janine @ Alternative Housewife replied:

    That is awesome – Nothing better than cash! An extra $50 would be especially helpful after the holidays. 🙂

  169. chgdiapers/Maria replied:


  170. Laura B. replied:

    Congrats on 3000 fans!

  171. Sarah B replied:

    Congrats on your fame!! I am a few months new to cd-ing, and love checking out fun deals.

  172. Steph H replied:

    Woohoo 500 fans! I love your store 🙂

  173. Drea replied:


  174. Kristen Welch Yost replied:

    Awesome! 3000 fans, that’s great!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  175. Britney replied:

    Yay! I’d love to win!!!

  176. J Lenigan R Ashcraft replied:

    $50 would so be awesome! Merry xmas!

  177. Shannon replied:

    Congrats! Merry Christmas!

  178. Susan Andrews replied:

    Awesome!! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!!

  179. Melanie replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  180. Carrie replied:

    Congrats and Merry Christmas!

  181. Leslie Guenther replied:


  182. Candy Harvey replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway!

  183. hadababyitsaboy replied:

    Sweet! Merry Christmas!

  184. Nikole H. replied:

    La la la la laa, la laa laa laaa! Merry Christmas 🙂

  185. Erin K replied:

    Congrats on all the fans! Happy holidays!

  186. Jessie Hamblen replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  187. sophieandmomma replied:


    😉 ‘Hands raised’ in hopes of making the toss count!

  188. Laotian Mama replied:

    You’re Amazing! Happy holidays!

  189. Katie Lunderman replied:

    Merry Christmas!!

  190. Erin mitchell replied:


  191. Becky K. replied:

    oooh I love voucher giveaways!! Merry Christmas!

  192. Denise Taylor replied:

    You guys are great for doing this!!

  193. Stacy Allen Vidrine replied:

    yay, thanks!

  194. Melissa lawyer replied:

    Oh how awesome, we could really use this!!!

  195. Lan replied:

    congrats. hope you will pick me

  196. art lawyer replied:

    Hubby here! Entering for our family!

  197. Meredith E. replied:

    Yay for 3000!

  198. Rebecca G. replied:

    Happy Holidays!!!

  199. jesllee replied:

    I’d so love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

  200. Heather P replied:

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  201. Kate C replied:

    Merry Christmas!!! 🙂 Thank you for the giveaways!

  202. Cheli Greene replied:

    WOW 3000 fans! That’s pretty impressive! Way to go!

  203. Dina replied:

    Ooo! Me! Me! Pick me!! 🙂

  204. Honey Pezzimenti replied:

    Congratulations!!! Here’s to hoping you get another 3,000 in 2012!!!

  205. Jenea garges replied:

    Congrats we love your site. Merry christmas!

  206. Holly Pierce replied:

    Great Job! Just goes to show how amazing we all think you are.

  207. Becky replied:

    Woo hoo!!!

  208. Stephanie H replied:

    Exciting times! Though with your excellent customer service I’m not surprised to see how popular Abby’s Lane is. 🙂

  209. Amanda Alvarado replied:

    Congrats on 3000!!! Here’s to many more in the New Year!

  210. Della Leahy replied:

    Fifty dollars to help fill out my stash!

  211. Kate replied:

    Very festive. Happy holidays!

  212. Andreann replied:

    786Thanks so much for the offer the emails and the potty training tips!

  213. Lisa B replied:

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  214. Katherine replied:

    Very exciting!

  215. Gina replied:

    Woo-hoo!! Congratulations!! 🙂

  216. Annie T. replied:

    Yeah! Thanks!

  217. Rachel replied:

    What a great christmas gift. Congrats.

  218. Breezy J. Moyer replied:

    Yahoo! Congrats on your growing fan base!!!

  219. Jen replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on hitting 3000!

  220. Andrea West replied:

    Merry Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway!

  221. Vashti M replied:

    Thanks for the chance!!

  222. Roxanne replied:

    Happy for abby’s lane to be doing so well! merry christmas

  223. Kristen Jeffery replied:

    I LOVE my Blueberry Diaper from your store. Would love to order more. Thanks for a great chance to win!

  224. Jennifer Estep replied:

    Yay! Thanks for the giveaway!

  225. Stacy replied:


  226. Maria D. replied:

    What a great Christmas gift for your company! I’m a local and totally love your store; hope I win!

  227. Beth R replied:

    Happy Holidays to everyone at Abby’s Lane! Thanks for the giveaway!

  228. Amber replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  229. Carrie replied:

    Congratulations! What a great giveaway!!!

  230. Helen replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  231. Kristi Bugajski replied:

    I love your store! I hope you have a great holiday 🙂

  232. Katherine T. replied:

    3000 fans – wahoo!

  233. tubbytelly replied:

    What a wonderful Christmas present! Thanks for the chance.

  234. Nicole replied:

    Thank you

  235. lindseygreenjeans replied:

    yay for fans! yay for giveaways to close out the year!

  236. Lucy replied:

    congratulations! also, Merry Christmas to you and your families!

  237. angela heffner replied:

    I’d love to win this!
    Thanks for the chance!
    angela_heffner at yahoo dot com

  238. Ariana L replied:

    I love Abby’s Lane!! Thank you!

  239. Chris @ absolutelyadequate replied:

    Congrats on hitting 3000!

  240. carola replied:

    I’d love some new fluff!! Merry Christmas!!

  241. Emily W replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  242. Alisha replied:

    Congrats and Happy Holidays!

  243. dylanabby replied:

    Merry Christmas to your family.

  244. Jenny Bodin replied:

    Merry Christmas, thanks for the give away!

  245. Emily sabato replied:

    So exciting! Love your store.

  246. Meredith Shaw replied:

    Yay!! Happy Holidays!

  247. Ryan B. replied:

    Congrats, thanks for the giveaway!

  248. Kim Pollock replied:

    We are needing some cloth diapers for christmas! Thanks for the giveaway!

  249. Jeania D replied:


  250. Molly replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  251. Monique replied:


  252. Jessica Melvin replied:

    LOVE it! thanks for the opportunity!! Merry Christmas!

  253. Katie M. replied:

    Sweet!!! Congrats!

  254. Kirstin O'Donnell replied:

    Merry Christmas

  255. Sarah G. replied:

    Congrats and Merry Christmas to you all!

  256. Jennifer Zielinski McDonald replied:

    Happy Holidays to all!

  257. Sue g replied:

    love abby’s lane! best customer service ever
    : )

  258. Kelly Hoose replied:

    Thanks for the giveway! I love ordering from your store!

  259. Sarah Lapsley replied:

    Love your site!

  260. kayla canterbury replied:

    Merry Christmas!!

  261. Erin K. replied:

    I can’t think of anything clever to say…But I’d love to win!

  262. Nora replied:

    Thank you for your generosity! Merry Christmas ❤

  263. Charlotte replied:

    Ho ho ho!

  264. Yesenia replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Holidays!

  265. Andrea replied:

    I cant wait to get money for xmas so i can make a trip to your store! Congrats on the likes!

  266. Liz S replied:

    Love your store! Wouldn’t be cloth diapering without you guys!!

  267. Jennifer Gruda Knight replied:

    Hooray for 3000 fans!

  268. Leann L replied:

    Congrats on 3000!! 🙂

  269. Lisa Husebo replied:

    ooh, yay! So many things I could spend this on!

  270. Chelsea replied:

    New to cloth diapers…2 boys in diapers and only 18 in my stash. I NEED to win! lol Your site is amazing, thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  271. Raquel replied:

    Congrats on 3000 fans!

  272. Romina replied:

    Congratulations on hitting a milestone. Happy holidays!

  273. Rose replied:

    Count me in!

  274. Alyssa Perez Silvers replied:

    Congrats on hitting the 3000 mark and Merry Christmas!!

  275. Jennifer A replied:

    3000 already?! Wow! Thanks for the giveaway.

  276. Jessica Rabbitt replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  277. Michelle Gallagher Quarterman replied:

    Yay for fans!

  278. Gwen replied:

    Merry Christmas! *dreaming of cute cloth*

  279. beanandbubbasmom replied:

    You guys always go above and beyond for your customers and that is TRULY appreciated! Merry Christmas!! 🙂

  280. Meghan V. replied:

    I CAN believe you’ve got 3000 fans- you’re the BEST!

  281. Amy H replied:

    Awesome! Yay for 3000 fans!

  282. Aviva Klein Rosenberg replied:

    Yay fans!

  283. Theresa replied:

    Merry Christmas Abby’s Lane!!!!!

  284. Jenn Atchison replied:

    Great news! Congrats!!

  285. Hilary replied:

    Wow – the fans keep coming! Many congrats – and thanks for the continued generous giveaways!

  286. Laura replied:


  287. Cristy replied:

    Congrats on all the fans! What a great giveaway!

  288. Kate Miller replied:

    Yippee, free giveaways!!!!!

  289. Tricia replied:

    Yeah for 3000 fans!!

  290. Danielle replied:

    Congratulations! I just LOVE your store!

  291. amy v replied:

    congrats! Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

    annae07 at aol dot com

  292. Rachel replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  293. Stephanie replied:

    Thanks for offering up yet another generous giveaway. Thanks & Merry Christmas!

  294. Lesley replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to buy a couple of easyfits with $50. 🙂

  295. mallory t replied:

    Yay! Congrats!

  296. Carita replied:

    Thanks for the chance to win! I so greatly appreciate the excellent customer service you all have and will continue to recommend you all to my friends. Merry Christmas!

  297. Jessica replied:

    Yah for fluff!

  298. Zimm replied:

    Yay for 3000!!

  299. Theresa Fitzsimmons replied:

    This site has grown so much just in the last 5 months since I’ve found it, Congrats!

  300. susanne wedel replied:

    wow 3000! congratulations and thanks for the giveaway!

  301. Kat replied:

    Nice! Happy giveaway to all and to all a good night!

  302. Colleen Maurina replied:

    Wow, 3000 fans! Merry Christmas!

  303. allison replied:

    congrats and thank you!

  304. Katie replied:


  305. Cynthia Peas replied:

    I am so excited about the giveaway!!!! Thanks so much for the offers and Merry Christmas!!!

  306. Theresa Giffel replied:

    Congrats on 3,000 and Merry Christmas!

  307. Liliana Montemayor-Garcia replied:

    Congrats!! Feliz Navidad!!

  308. Tamara Sz replied:


  309. Diane L replied:

    Yea! I could really use a voucher. We are starting day care soon and I need to get the sitter set up with some fluffy goodies (extra wipes, a pail liner, etc)

  310. JK replied:

    Happy holidays!

  311. Melissa W replied:

    Yay for Christmas and lots of fans!

  312. Sarah replied:

    So much fun!

  313. Vicki replied:

    Thank you!

  314. Jill replied:

    would make having a sick family make this day not seem as bad!

  315. sonya replied:

    congrats! Merry Christmas

  316. Sarah Jane replied:

    WOW! Congratulations on 3000 fans, and thank you for the generous giveaway.

  317. Jeanette Evans replied:

    Congrats on 3K!!

  318. Megan Lunt replied:

    Congrats!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  319. Cristin replied:

    What a great giveaway! you ladies have helped me get ready for this baby that is almost here! only 2ish months to go!!

  320. Gina Marie replied:

    Happy Holidays! Pick me.

  321. Amy J replied:

    I would so LOVE to win!!! I am trying to get a diaper stash going. I only have 4 diapers so far 😦

  322. Alyssa replied:

    Deck the halls!

  323. Brandi Elam replied:

    Wow! What a great giveaway! Congratulations on reaching 3000 fans!

  324. Megan Horn replied:

    Remember how looooong it took us to get to 1000? Congrats Steph and team!

  325. Maria Ivey replied:

    Awesome giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  326. Stephanie Graham replied:

    I would love to win! Thanks for doing this!

  327. Phillip replied:

    Congrats on 3000 fans!

  328. Krystin Rowley replied:

    YAY!! You deserve every fan!! Hope to add some fluff to my stash when I win!

  329. Abby Borders replied:

    Woohoo! Merry Christmas!

  330. Shannon Ropp replied:

    love give aways!! Merry CHRISTmas!

  331. erin ropelewski replied:

    Congrats on 3000! Happy holidays to all…hope to start the new year with some new diapers ;)!

  332. rachel hockey replied:

    Merry Christmas, Abby’s Lane!

  333. Amanda O. replied:

    Woot woot!

  334. Kourtney replied:

    Congrats on 3,000!

  335. Kelly Clarke replied:

    More people to know you guys are the best!!

  336. Melissa Wagner replied:

    Yay for 3000 fans!

  337. ColieJ replied:


  338. Becky replied:

    Congrats on 3000!

  339. Cara replied:

    Yahoo for 3000 fans!!! You are my all time fav diaper store! 🙂

  340. Tara Sutton replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3000 fans!!
    Trsutton82 at gmail dot com

  341. Erin Owens replied:

    I would love to win!

  342. Rachel replied:

    Yay! 3,000 fans!!!

  343. Amanda replied:

    Made it through two weeks of cloth diapering so far with my new little one.

  344. Amanda D. replied:

    Yaaay! Christmas is a great time of year to get together with family and spread the love of cloth diapering!

  345. Briana replied:

    Big milestone! Congrats!

  346. Alisha Holzer replied:


  347. merritt replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  348. Emily Murnen replied:

    Congrats on 3,000 before Christmas. Enjoy the holidays!!

  349. Amanda replied:

    Merry Christmas!!!

  350. casey replied:


  351. Anita replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  352. Jessica Jacobson replied:

    Woohoo!!! Count me in!

  353. Christina Dyke replied:

    Congrats on 3,000 fans and thank you for the giveaway!! Count me in 🙂

  354. sara m replied:

    Congratulations on reaching 3000 fans! And thank you for the opportunity to win!

  355. Michael replied:

    Great news! My wife loves your store!

  356. Dana S. replied:

    Hooray for 3000 fans…and for giveaways!

  357. Brande replied:

    Awesome! Love your site! Have a great holiday season!!

  358. Elisha F replied:

    As always, thanks for being awesome! Congrats on the milestone!

  359. Bridgett zaidi replied:

    Would love to win! I have twins on the way and they need diapers

  360. Rachel replied:

    Woohoo!!! 🙂

  361. Danielle Koch replied:

    Yay! *fingers crossed*

  362. Michelle @ If Toys Could Talk replied:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win! And Merry Christmas!

  363. Maia G replied:

    Count me in!

  364. Heather replied:

    Ooo! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  365. lisa replied:

    congratulations on 3000 fans! we’re so thankful for you steph & the rest of the gang @ abbys lane!

  366. Stacy H replied:

    congrats!! very exciting =)

  367. Amy F replied:

    Thanks for the great giveaways!

  368. Haley replied:

    3K fans – congratulations!

  369. Dayna Schoonmaker replied:

    Nora needs a new set of diaps!

  370. Laura replied:

    Giveaways are so fun! 🙂

  371. lace replied:

    Congratulations and Merry Christmas.

  372. Kate O. replied:

    Would love to deck my halls with new cloth diapers! Merry Christmas 🙂

  373. Heidi Rosenbaum replied:

    Yeah! Congrats on 3k! I want to win!! I’m traveling by car for the next 20 hours with a 3 1/2 yo and a 7 mo. I need some good luck! I left my favorite night time cover dry hanging up at home. Two weeks without it.:(

  374. Vered M replied:

    Congrats on 3000 likes! 🙂

  375. Kristy replied:

    Congrats on 3K fans! Merry Christmas!

  376. Adrienne replied:

    So many ways I would love to spend that!

  377. Ashley B. replied:

    Congratulations on having so many fans! I know you have such wonderful customer service, which is why I’ll be using your website and ordering from your store for my little one due in July! I went to my first Abby’s Lane cloth diaper party just the other day and am eager to know which style will be just right for my baby!

  378. Rachelle Gardner replied:

    Oooh…do I see a Gira wrap finally in my future…

  379. Serena Hazelet replied:

    Yay for 3000 fans!

  380. Samantha Williams replied:

    Congrats on 3k! 🙂

  381. Brandice replied:

    Merry Christmas!!

  382. Lisa replied:

    Thanks for another generous giveaway!

  383. Melissa replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  384. jess searcy replied:

    Awesome!! thanks!!

  385. Sheila O replied:

    Congrats on 3000! *Fingers crossed*

  386. Meng Tatel replied:


  387. Jennifer L replied:

    Congrats guys!!

  388. Rebekah replied:

    Merry Christmas! Thanks!

  389. Emily replied:

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Merry Christmas! 😀

  390. Allyson replied:

    Thanks and Merry CHristmas! 🙂

  391. Anna Houser replied:

    Thanks for all of the Christmas cheer!

  392. Mechele Johnson replied:

    Awesome! Congrats on reaching your goal before Christmas!

  393. Texas Momma replied:

    Congrats on 3,000 fans! And I know exactly what I would use $50 to buy!

  394. Lyndsey K replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  395. Danielle replied:

    Pick me!!!

  396. SuzanneD replied:

    Love it! You are so famous 🙂 Merry Christmas and thanks for the giveaway!

  397. Lynette replied:

    Congrats on all the fans!

  398. Sheryl replied:

    Thanks for the awesome opportunity. Happy Holidays.

  399. Margot replied:

    So glad to have found this site!!

  400. stampedwithgrace replied:

    congrats! thanks for another great giveaway 🙂

  401. Cecelia Lehmann replied:


  402. Sara replied:

    Well deserved! Yay for fans!

  403. Alison Woodward replied:

    What a wonderful New Years Eve surprise that would be!!!

  404. Christy replied:

    Thanks so much for the chance!

  405. Abbie Lin replied:

    Happy, fluffy holidays!

  406. allison replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  407. Noelle Corris replied:

    Congrats! Would love to win!

  408. erica green replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  409. Rachel S. replied:

    Yippee! Congrats and thanks! ❤

  410. Julia Stell replied:

    congratulations! merry christmas!

  411. Shasta Mcclenahan replied:

    Happy holidays. Pick me!

  412. Jena S replied:

    I hope I win!!!

  413. Brooke replied:

    Congrats and Merry Christmas!

  414. Kari replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  415. Ashley Jossick replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  416. Jodi J replied:

    This would be so wonderful to win, I’d be able to pick up some fluff for the baby on the way. After 2 boys I can’t wait to get some girly fluff in my house!!!

  417. Sheila replied:

    Yay! You’re so popular! Hope I win!

  418. Raena replied:

    Merry Christmas! I’m new to cloth diapering and I’m sooo happy to find a store so close to me! 🙂

  419. Ashley Fendt replied:

    Congrats on 3,000 fans!

  420. Allison replied:

    Yay! Congrats on all the fans!

  421. Valeire replied:

    Merry Christmas!

  422. Nikki Perry replied:

    Congratulations! I hope I win!!

  423. Tracy replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Enter me please!

  424. Clarissa replied:

    Congrats on having so many followers. All the info you provide is so helpful!

  425. juditupp replied:

    Congratulations! I’ve just discovered your blog and site. I’m looking forward to browsing as I prepare for our new baby in May.

  426. Ashlyn replied:

    Oh I would love to win! Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  427. Tiffany costley replied:

    Yay for all the new moms I know trying cloth!

  428. Amanda replied:


  429. Aubrea replied:

    Abby’s Lane rocks! 😊

  430. Nuri Kim replied:

    Happy holidays! Thanks for the chance to win.

  431. mayme ercanbrack replied:

    I love your giveaways!

  432. Shannon Hudson replied:

    Hope to win!! Happy New Year!

  433. Rachael ray replied:

    Ooh!! $50 voucher would be GREAT 🙂 you are the only cloth diaper store I shop at! 🙂

  434. Jessica G. replied:

    Merry Christmas and Happy 2012!

  435. Ryan G. replied:

    Entering for my wife:)

  436. Lori Flanagan replied:

    Enjoying my MotherEase Sandy.

  437. Abby K replied:

    Love your site!

  438. Tonya replied:

    Would love to win 🙂

  439. Emily replied:

    Happy New Year!

  440. carly replied:

    Merry Christmas to Abby’s Lane! 3000 fans! Woohoo!

  441. Rachel Campbell replied:

    Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

  442. Tracey replied:

    Would really like to win

  443. Kristin Miller replied:

    Love your site and store!! Would LOVE to win!!

  444. Pamela Reddy replied:

    Loooove Abby’s Lane!!

  445. Aurelie Gomez replied:


  446. Stephanie W. replied:

    Congratulations! Thank you for the giveaway 🙂

  447. Alicia M. replied:

    So amazing, and congratulations! 🙂

  448. Brooke Horwith replied:

    Welcome 2012! Happy shopping at Abby’s Lane!

  449. Michelle replied:

    I love your website and products and how helpful you have been so far on my cloth diapering journey. This is our 3rd and 1st to use cloth with . I’m very exited…

  450. Carmen Bernett replied:

    Happy holidays! Love you guys, thanks for being such an awesome resource on our diapering journey!

  451. Tracy M replied:

    Happy New Year!

  452. Amanda replied:

    I hope I win!!!

  453. Emily replied:


  454. Holly replied:

    Yay for Abby’s Lane!
    Merry Christmas!!

  455. Ariana Anderson replied:

    Wishing for a voucher!

  456. lydia haigh replied:

    My first time ever entering for one of your giveaways…hoping I get lucky!!

  457. janette west replied:

    Congrats on hitting 3000 fans! AbbysLane is the best place for cloth diaper shopping.

  458. Catharine B replied:

    Merry Christmas and congrats on 3000 fans!

  459. Michelle replied:

    Congrats! Happy New Year!

  460. Cheryl replied:

    Congrats on the fans. I’d love a GC so I can do some baby shower shopping.

  461. Jacquelyn Lizarraga replied:

    Planning to try out cloth diapers for my 1 yr old!! So glad I got referred to this site!

  462. JENNIFER Wolfe replied:

    Love cloth diapers! I’m on my second child now (5-weeks old!) and used cloth on my daughter, who is turnin 5. I’ve bought all of my diapers from you over the years and really appreciate all the advice and the service! I’m back for more today–diapers can be addictive!

  463. Jared P. replied:

    Would love to win. I know my wife would love the surprise!

  464. Katy B replied:

    Tis the season!! …for more cloth for my babies. 😉

  465. Haley replied:

    Congrats and Happy New Year!

  466. Kristin replied:

    Congratulations and Happy Holidays! 🙂

  467. karen heilman replied:

    Oh, pick me, pick me! It would be so lovely to start the new year off with some new cloth diapers!

  468. Briana S. replied:

    Yay! The holidays are an especially fun time for a giveaway! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas… And have a happy safe New Year’s as well!

  469. Kristen replied:

    Yeah for new fans!!

  470. Jennifer replied:

    Happy Holidays!

  471. Kristen replied:

    Happy Holidays!!

  472. Caitlin replied:

    Happy New Years!

  473. Denise G. replied:

    Congrats on the 3,000!

  474. Alicia summe replied:

    Yay for hitting 3000 fans. Thanks for all your awesome giveaways

  475. Danielle J. replied:

    Thanks for the chance!! Congrats on 3,000! What a fantastic giveaway!

  476. Andrea replied:

    Woo hoo! Happy New Year!

  477. Melissa R. replied:

    Happy New Year, Abby’s Lane! Thanks for the giveaway!

  478. Katie Negrey replied:

    Happy new year!!!

  479. Rebecca G. replied:

    Nice job Abby’s Lane!

  480. Kristen S replied:

    Hoping for a gift card for the new year!

  481. Dorsha Swartz replied:

    Happy New year!

  482. Ashley L replied:

    Happy New Year! Thanks for such awesome giveaways!

  483. Miranda Trimble replied:

    Yay for 3000! Happy New Year 🙂

  484. Brenda Gossage replied:

    Great shop! I’d love to start the new year off with a $50 voucher. Happy New Year everyone!

  485. Margaret Beadle replied:

    Oooo! I hope I get one for my little man due any minute. Thx Abby’s Lane, you are my favorite.

  486. April E replied:

    Just got to visit your store this past week. Came hoem and placed a huge order for our NB stash. SOOOO excited to find such a great resource! Happy 3000!

  487. Lindsey C. replied:

    Happy New Year to everyone at Abby’s Lane! Thanks for everything that you do- Id be lost without you!

  488. Michelle Tyler replied:

    Always get excellent customer service from Abby’s Lane! Thank you and Happy New Year!

  489. Ashley Perez replied:

    yay for fans!

  490. Emily replied:

    Congrats on 3000 fans! 🙂

  491. nikki klous replied:

    Congrats on 3000!

  492. Heather I replied:


  493. April G replied:

    Congrats!!! Great news!

  494. Amanda replied:

    Happy New Year!!

  495. Della Leahy replied:

    Can I still enter?

  496. Amelia tarbutton replied:

    Hooray!! That’s awesome!

  497. abbyslane replied:

    Lisa A, Jennifer W and Michelle M. check your inboxes! likes your entries 🙂

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