Well loved giveaways~

Hey everyone, these are free to a good home, we will cover shipping. I just have a few items, I cannot guarantee functionality or any sort of warranty, and I ask that you honestly be in genuine need of these items to go to a good home. Comment below specifying which item you would be interested in, one item per entry, we will randomly pick one winner for each item Thursday July 14th~

-one Kissaluvs size 0, bleached once so color is faded, lime green
-pack of 4 infant prefolds, well used and frayed on edges
-one medium Fuzzi Bunz, old style, hot pink color, well used no stains
-one planet wise wet bag size large, used for several months

July 12, 2011. Uncategorized.


  1. Ashley replied:

    Can i have the prefolds and wetbag?

  2. Sarah Hull replied:

    I would love the planet wise wet bag! Thanks for being so generous with some great well loved items!

  3. Denise G replied:

    I would love the FB hot pink!

  4. Katie Gilliam Young replied:

    Kissaluvs size 0

  5. April Linder Bailey replied:

    I would love the Kissaluv for the newbie that we just found out we are expecting in March. I would love to pay it forward when we are done.

  6. Denise G replied:

    I would also love the wet bag!

  7. Ashley replied:

    oops.. Just saw one item per post. Make that first one wetbag.

  8. Adrian B. replied:

    I would love the Planet Wise Wet bag!

  9. Brittany B replied:

    pick me please! πŸ™‚

    • Brittany B replied:

      pick me please! πŸ™‚ I could really use t!he kissaluvs

  10. stacy h replied:

    def could use the planet wise bag!

  11. Rachel Roberts replied:

    I would love the wet bag! It is much needed!

  12. Ashley replied:

    Prefolds please .

  13. Erin koza replied:

    I would love the kissaluvs size 0 for my new little man due anytime

  14. Stephanie H. replied:

    Wet bag please

  15. Beth replied:

    I would love the wet bag. I am looking at having to get another one due to the volume of diapers the little has gone through in a day.

  16. Sabrina Radke replied:

    Wet bag please! We just had some ruined with bleaching due to my son being super sick so this would be great to win! Thanks!

  17. April G replied:

    I would love the medium Fuzzi Bunz, and thank you for the opportunity!

  18. Rachael replied:

    i have three boys so the hot pink diaper is the only thing I DONT want πŸ˜‰

  19. jessica replied:

    Kissaluvs please

  20. Jillian replied:

    I would love the Fuzzibunz!

  21. Tiffany Coffman replied:

    would love the wetbag!

  22. Tiffany Coffman replied:

    If I don’t get chosen for the wet bag, I could really use the infant prefolds too πŸ™‚

  23. Dianne replied:

    I would love to win the size Large wetbag! With three in diapers, they fill up fast before laundry day!

  24. ashley handley replied:

    Ooooh the FB and wetbag would be nice!

  25. Kristi Stokes replied:

    I would LOVE to have the wet bag!! πŸ™‚

  26. carly glover replied:

    i would love the infant prefolds! We have baby number two coming in september and i dont have any cloth diapers that will fit a newborn. thanks for doing this!

  27. amy ashlock replied:

    I could sooooo use the wet bag!

  28. ashley handley replied:

    Oops just noticed the one item per post make my other comment for the FB and this one for the wetbag please

  29. Melissa K replied:

    I would love the infant prefolds πŸ™‚

  30. Meng Tatel replied:

    I would love the planetwise wetbag!

  31. mary nason replied:

    i would love the fuzzibunz diaper, thanks so much!

  32. Erica Giles replied:

    I could really use the wetbag!

  33. Jenna Martin replied:

    I would love the hot pink FB!

  34. Katie V replied:

    I think that pink FB is calling my name… πŸ˜›

  35. Jennifer A replied:

    We could use the pink FB.

  36. Brian Z replied:

    planetwise please!

  37. Caroline Marin replied:

    I’d love the wetbag. With 2 in diapers now, we desperately need more storage when we leave the house.

  38. Alexis replied:

    medium fuzibunz! Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. Sara thom replied:

    I could use the wetbag!

  40. Lindsay Johnson replied:

    Love this idea!! Thanks a bunch!

    We could really use the Med Pink Fuzzibunz!

  41. Olivia Snider replied:

    I really need the Fuzzi Bunz hot Pink. Our diapers have been through 4 kids and are stretched out…trying to work up a new supply but are soo expensive! Also I do not have a wet bag. Would love love love that too! You are so sweet to share!

  42. sarah macdonald replied:

    We could really use some prefolds before our little guy gets here in 24 days!!

  43. Christy replied:

    I’d like the Kissaluvs 0. πŸ™‚

  44. Rebecca M. replied:

    I could definitely use the wetbag. Thanks so much for your generosity!

  45. Misty replied:

    I would love a planetwise wetbag. We only have a small munchkin wetbag. Thanks for the giveaway!

  46. Alyssa replied:

    Kissaluv sz 0 please!

  47. nikki replied:

    I would love the wetbag! Im just really getting started and using a plastic bag.. I would really appreciate it!

  48. Ali replied:

    I have 2 in cd & could definantly use the wet bag!

  49. EmilyER replied:

    PlanetWise wetbag please and thanks πŸ™‚

  50. EmilyER replied:

    Enter me for the wetbag please

  51. Ali replied:

    I definantly could use a hot pink med diaper for my stash πŸ™‚

  52. Maia G replied:

    The kissaluvs size 0 would be awesome!

  53. Maia G replied:

    I also love the medium fuzzibunz

  54. Julie D. replied:

    Would love the wetbag! We will have 2 to CD as of mid-August and so far the only wetbag we own is a medium Bummis fabulous wetbag for our diaper bag. I think we’ll need a little more wetbag space soon! Thanks for great giveaways!

  55. Lauren replied:

    I would love to have the Kissaluvz diaper in size 0! I will be in need of it come the fall when I Little One is born! Thanks!

  56. arobinsc replied:

    Sign me up for the Kissaluvs and infants prefolds slots!

  57. leslie replied:

    I could really use the wet bag! Not a sob story but I live in assisted housing and have a bed wetter a SN son who is 4.5 in diapers a 9 mos old in diapers and go to a laundry mat. I still have not had a chance to make or find a wet bag that I can afford (even used). I will even pass it on for free when I am done with it!

  58. Rachel hockey replied:

    Planet wise wet bag, please and thanks πŸ™‚

  59. Susanna replied:

    Planet wise Wet Bag would be a splendid addition to my household. πŸ˜‰

  60. bigwind replied:

    We could definitely use the “Kissaluvs size 0, bleached once so color is faded, lime green”.

    Thank you so much for being so generous!
    smoo06 at yahoo dot com

  61. bigwind replied:

    Could use the large planet wise wet bag.
    Thank you!
    smoo06 at yahoo dot com

  62. bigwind replied:

    The 4 pack of infant prefolds would definitely be appreciated!
    smoo06 at yahoo dot com

  63. Samantha Cuhel replied:

    We could really use the wet bag!

  64. Mrs. Skelton replied:

    I really need a wet bag, I don’t have one! I could also use the Fuzzi Bunz! I don’t have many cloth diapers and I really want to start cloth diapering full time! I just don’t have the money to get started 😦

  65. Jennifer Atchison replied:

    Would love the medium FB!

  66. shandy patrick replied:

    Would love the Kissaluvs!

  67. shandy patrick replied:

    really need the wetbag!

  68. April George replied:

    Thank you for your generosity! The wet bag and/or the fuzzibunz would continue to be well loved and appreciated in my home. πŸ™‚

  69. Casey replied:


  70. tiffany g. replied:

    I need a large Wetbag.

  71. Melissa R. replied:

    I could totally use the wetbag, I only have one right now!! πŸ™‚ Thanks!

  72. Tannis replied:

    Would love to try the Kissaluvs!
    tannis_z at excite dot com

  73. Brooke replied:

    We could really use the kissaluvs for our newborn who came out way to small to fit into any of the cloth stash we built for his big brother!

  74. Cristin replied:

    A Kissaluv for the new baby we have coming would be great! I know I say this a lot but you ladies are great. good thing you are not closer, I would live in your shop πŸ™‚

  75. Michelle replied:

    I would love the Fuzzi Bunz!

  76. Christina Black replied:

    I would love the wetbag! Thanks

  77. sherah replied:

    I would love the wetbag! I’ve been needing one!

  78. sherah replied:

    the fuzzibunz would be great and put to good use!
    thanks for the giveaway! πŸ™‚

  79. Jill replied:

    KL0 I have a baby due in around 6 weeks.

  80. Catherine Brown replied:

    I would love the kissaluv 0! Due in August!

  81. Enas Farrell replied:

    i need a wetbag πŸ™‚

  82. Meghan V. replied:

    I don’t have a wet bag so I would be interested in that!

  83. Breezy J. Moyer replied:

    Wet bag…I love free stuff!!!

  84. Tracy Shaffer replied:

    I would love either the Kissaluvs size 0, bleached once so color is faded, lime green or the pack of 4 infant prefolds, well used and frayed on edges! I started CDing my son at 10 months so I don’t have a newborn stash, and number 2 is on the way! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the opportunity!

  85. vanessa replied:

    Would love the planet wise wet bag

  86. Heather Forsythe replied:

    if nobody else needs the wet bag I could definitely use it! Mine just lost the string to keep it closed 😦 Thanks! I guess just let me know if I’ll get it. Thanks again πŸ™‚

  87. Heather Forsythe replied:

    oops, I suppose I could have scrolled up and seen all of the other requests first.

  88. Leigh D. replied:


  89. Colleen Maurina replied:

    I would love the Planet Wise wet bag! Thanks!

    colljerr at comcast dot net

  90. Kat Chun replied:

    Kissaluv 0 please! First baby on its way (4 weeks plus or minus). =)

  91. allyson l replied:

    Fuzzibunz would be awesome! new baby on the way in t minus 8 weeks! πŸ™‚

  92. Allison replied:

    Prefolds please – I’m expecting a new baby soon!

  93. Sarah replied:

    The medium sized Fuzzibunz. That’s the size my daughter wears. I don’t care if it’s the older style. Thanks!!

  94. Janessa S replied:

    I’d love to have the pink medium Fuzzibunz! My daughter just got into that size and it would be put to good use here! Thanks!!

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