Gift Voucher Giveaway :)

Yeah for 3500 fans on facebook! Join us over there if you haven’t already, we always have good stuff going on 🙂

We are giving away 2 $50.00 vouchers, simply enter below by leaving a comment, 2 winners picked Friday, March 18~

March 7, 2011. Uncategorized.


  1. patti persia (fluffs enough on fb) replied:


    • lorahd replied:

      wow, 3500 fans!!!

    • Stacy replied:

      Yay for giveaways! I have plans for what I would spend that one if I won….

    • Elissa replied:

      I love cloth! Geez oh man that’s a ton of fb fans!

    • Stephanie replied:


    • Elizabeth replied:

      I love cloth diapers!

    • Sarah Chaffin replied:

      Yay for so many fans! I hope I win this, my 2 1/2 month old could use a few more diapers!

    • Amy C. Miller replied:

      I con’t wait to start using the cloth diapers! Baby is due in July and I am stocking up now. Thanks for all your great advice 🙂

    • leslie duncan replied:

      I love cloth diapering! 🙂 Girl, girl, girl!!!!

  2. Ann Marie replied:

    I love contests!

  3. Meredith replied:

    Hard to believe it took that long to hit 3500.

  4. Nita replied:

    I love freebies AND I am new to CDs so I need all the incentive I can get. 🙂

  5. Hillary Wenrich replied:

    Awesome!! Thank you so much for the chance!!

  6. Katherine replied:


  7. Marcia Garrett replied:

    Yay!! ME ME ME!!
    Your website was the reason I decided to go ahead and try cloth again with my 4 youngest after failing 13 years ago!

  8. Malina replied:

    Wow! Congrats and thank for the giveaway 🙂

  9. Amanda Schwoch replied:

    congrats, thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Robyn Schoenbauer replied:

    Cloth diapers have actually made my life easier, when I thought I’d be complicating it a bit. I wish I’d always known how simple it can be. P.S. I need some new covers. 🙂

  11. Cheryl replied:

    Congrats on so many fans.

  12. Kate C replied:

    YAY! Giveaways!

  13. Phillip replied:


  14. Kara C. replied:

    Thank you! I also just placed an order tonight! :o)

  15. Stephanie W. replied:

    Wow 3500 fans! Congratulations and thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  16. Meghan Floirendo replied:

    Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Hope I win.. =)

  17. Sarah Renier replied:


  18. Jennifer Lichak replied:

    woo hoo! Congrats on 3500 fans!! How exciting. And thanks so much for the giveaway 😉

  19. Laura replied:

    Pick me!

  20. Bekah replied:

    Oh this would be so great, my 2 year old is having a rough time with potty training and I think cloth trainers would really help. She is inspired by “real” underwear but not quite there yet 🙂

  21. Gena Lazcano replied:

    awesome! thanks!

  22. Becky Knepp replied:

    Thanks for hosting all these giveaways. I can’t wait to use all the products I bought from you. My baby boy is due in about a month!

  23. Amy replied:

    Thank you!

  24. Kate replied:


  25. Kim replied:

    Thanks! 😀

  26. Amanda replied:

    thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  27. Erin T replied:

    My comment, let me show you it.

  28. amanda trach replied:

    Awesome! !!

  29. Pamela replied:

    We loooooove Abby’s Lane 🙂

  30. David replied:


  31. Natalie Everitt replied:

    Thank you so much for a chance to win 🙂

  32. Beth Scoggin replied:

    Congrats on 3500!!!!!

  33. Jennie replied:


  34. Brittany B replied:

    YAY! Congrats!

  35. cindi replied:

    yea another good reason to shop your store good prizes

  36. Debbie replied:

    Awesome! Thanks and Congratulations!

  37. Val replied:

    You guys are the best!

  38. Alyssa replied:


  39. Corrie replied:

    Love your giveaways! You are so generous. I have to practically hide my credit card when I’m on your website :).

  40. Kayla Priest replied:

    Wonderful! you all are so generous with giveaways.

  41. Sarah Pauls replied:

    Thank you! 🙂

  42. Megan replied:

    Whoo hoo!

  43. Kristen S replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane!

  44. Jennifer A replied:

    Yay for 3500! Thanks for the give away.

  45. Rachel Campbell replied:

    Congratulations on 3500!!

  46. Rosalie A. replied:

    Yay! Thanks so much!

  47. Jennifer S replied:

    You’re doing a great job! Keep it up. Can’t wait to receive my newest order. Thanks

  48. Meghan V. replied:

    You are the best! Thanks for great customer service.

  49. laura replied:


  50. Lori Page replied:

    You are awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Sarah J replied:

    Congrats on 3,500!! Just in time for mardi gras 😉

  52. Sarah replied:

    Thanks for your advice and free shipping!

  53. Jennifer Turner replied:

    Would LOVE to win!! Fingers crossed!!

  54. KatieYoung replied:


  55. Erin replied:

    What fun! I know just what I’d spend one on, too! What a fun giveaway!

  56. Kathy F replied:

    LOVE Abby’s Lane. Wish I was close enough to visit in store! 🙂

  57. Angela replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!!! I would love to win:)

  58. Amanda O. replied:


  59. Christy replied:

    Yippee!! 🙂

  60. Natalie Whisler replied:

    Few things are more exciting than having credit at Abby’s Lane!

  61. Tiffany replied:

    Yay! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  62. kelly replied:

    Congrats on all the fans!

  63. flowersgal76 replied:

    Ooh! Congrats! Pick me! Pick me!

  64. Jessie H replied:

    3500?? That’s awesome! Congratulations!!

  65. Liz replied:


  66. Naomi Hawkins replied:


  67. Nina replied:

    Woo hoo! Congrats and thanks! 🙂

  68. Brianna Thompson replied:

    Congrats!! Would love to win a gc towards some new fluff.

  69. Alexis replied:

    Can’t wait to put my CD stash to use in a month!

  70. Rachel Neufeld replied:

    Enter me please!

  71. Ashli L replied:

    Would love to win!!

  72. Tracy replied:

    Yay!! You are so good to your fans and community with awesome give ways.

  73. Alisha S replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane!!!

  74. Lucy replied:

    congrats on reaching 3500!

  75. Adrian B replied:


  76. Nancy replied:

    Thanks and congrats!

  77. Dee replied:

    What fun! And a big CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 3,500 fans! We love Abby’s Lane! 🙂

  78. Amber Fencil replied:

    8 weeks away from my little princess making her debut and our debut into Cloth diapering! So excited!

  79. Jill Morris replied:

    Yeah, congrats!

  80. Carrie Warner replied:

    Congrats!! Thanks for all your knowledge and help in so many areas!!

  81. saph @ frugal wife blog replied:

    Wow, awesome giveaway!!! Thanks so much for the giveaways!!! Hope I win!!

  82. Jess replied:

    Congrats and thanks for the chance to win!

    I’d love to spend the gift card on some CJs goodies.

  83. Jennifer Sherman replied:

    I love Abbyslane! Congrats on 3500!

  84. Cristin replied:

    you are great!

  85. Stefany Austin replied:

    Congrats!! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  86. Katie palmer replied:


  87. Liz E replied:

    Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  88. Cheistine lassiter replied:

    Can’t wait to visit the shop!

  89. Esther replied:

    congrats on 3500!

  90. Jennifer replied:

    Woo Hoo! Just got 3 more BG 4.0’s from you in the mail today. That completes my first dozen!

  91. Robyn replied:

    Awesome giveaway! Thank you!

  92. Allison replied:

    Awesome! Thank you!

  93. Rachel W replied:

    love Abby’s Lane!

  94. Amanda Alvarado replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500!!

  95. Kristin replied:

    yahoo, you guys rock!

  96. Ali replied:

    Way to go!!!
    Abby’s Lane is the BEST!

  97. Michelle replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for doing a giveaway to celebrate!

  98. Stefanie Broughton replied:

    Thank you!

  99. Richelle Roterdam replied:

    Congrats on the 3500!

  100. Amanda replied:

    Yay! Giveaways are fun. 🙂

  101. Kristina replied:

    Wow!That’s a lot of fans.

  102. Tara replied:

    congrats! would love this!!
    taraz9 at excite dot com

  103. Jodi T replied:


  104. Anne E. Perry replied:


  105. Lisa B replied:

    love your shop! Thanks for another chance to win.

  106. Sabrina Radke replied:

    Congratulations! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  107. Sarah A replied:

    Wow!! Thanks for such a great opportunity! ::fingers crossed::

  108. Kelly J replied:

    Ooh, that could buy some hemp inserts and a swim diaper!

  109. Jennifer Laurin replied:

    Yay ! Congrats on 3500 FANS!!

  110. Elizabeth L replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  111. Samantha replied:

    Such an exciting event. My fingers and toes will be crossed!

  112. Sheila S replied:

    Yay for giveaways! Can’t wait to see who wins!

  113. amanda brooks replied:

    i would love to win!

  114. Andrea replied:

    I Would love a gift voucher! Thanks!

  115. Sarah G. replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500! I would like you if I had a Facebook account, but I don’t. 🙂

  116. Aimee replied:


  117. Jessica Roberson replied:

    Thanks for having the best products, service, shipping, and great advice for us!

  118. Kristin B. replied:

    Awesome!! I remember when you hit 100! 🙂

  119. Samantha hally replied:


  120. Jamie replied:


  121. Megan R replied:


  122. Heather T replied:

    Thanks 🙂 You’re awesome!

  123. Rebecca Deal replied:

    Yeah 3500!!! Thanks for all you guys do!!! 🙂

  124. kristen huss replied:

    Congrats! YOu are hitting these 500 milestones quickly, seems like you just did this!!
    husskl at comcast dot net

  125. bertille1914 replied:

    Yay! Congrats!

    angiedkelly at gmail dot com

  126. Ashley E. replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  127. Katherine replied:

    Oooh, I would so love to win this!

  128. Kim replied:

    Woo-hoo! Thanks!!!!

  129. Ashley S replied:

    So awesome! Thank you for yet another awesome opportunity!!!

  130. K-Meeker replied:

    how generous! loved my recent order!

  131. Bridgett Zaidi replied:

    I would love to win a gift certificate! Thanks for the giveaway

  132. Kandie replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane!!!

  133. Narelle replied:

    I’d love to be entered! Thank you!

  134. Laura B. replied:

    Congrats on hitting 3500 fans!

  135. Tammy Roby replied:

    WooHoo! Thanks Abby’s Lane!

  136. Lynne Shaver replied:

    Would love some new fluff for the new baby!

  137. Carolyn N replied:

    What a great contest – THANKS!!!

    Congrats on 3,500 fans 🙂

  138. Jena S replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  139. Katie Hryniewicz replied:

    Woohoo! I love giveaways!

  140. Shannon T replied:

    Thank you! 🙂

  141. Hanan replied:

    yay for 3500!

  142. Lisa replied:

    Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  143. Amanda Kletke replied:

    Woohoo Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  144. Megan Hulsey replied:

    Thanks so much for the giveaway – I love your store!

  145. Rachel Hockey replied:

    Love giveaways 🙂

  146. Heidi J replied:

    Yay! Awesome!

  147. Annie replied:

    Yeah for giveaways!

  148. Lureta replied:

    I’m feeling lucky!

  149. Cassie replied:

    I would love to begin my cloth diaper collection with one of these! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  150. Sarah Eckert replied:

    Wish I found Abby’s Lane much sooner!

  151. Deb replied:

    Yeah for lotsa fans! Yeah for $50 vouchers! I’d love to win one.

  152. Stacie L replied:

    I would love to win this! Thank you!!!

  153. Lisanne replied:

    wow! so generous 🙂 thank you and congratulations!

  154. Anna replied:

    I would LOVE to win! I need to build my stash for baby #1!

  155. Meliya Harris replied:

    Wow! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  156. Stacy Hancock replied:


  157. kc replied:

    Abbys lane is the best!

  158. Susan M. replied:

    You guys rock!

  159. Sarah MP replied:


  160. Teri replied:

    Congrats on 3,500 fans. Abby’s lane has been a great resource and i am glad the word is getting out!

  161. Sara replied:

    Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  162. Michelle replied:

    Well done and thanks for the giveaway!

  163. Lara replied:

    Me me me me please!

  164. Melissa Phinney replied:

    congrats! 🙂 Hope to win and get some of your awesome products!

    mphin278 at yahoo dot com

  165. Jen K. replied:

    Yay for 3500 fans and giveaways!

  166. Rachel Obrokta replied:

    3500! Congrats!

  167. Meg replied:

    Would love to win!

  168. Chany replied:

    Wow! Great giveaway! Congrats on 3500!

  169. Rachel S. replied:

    Yahoo! Thanks!

  170. Jodi replied:


  171. Cheyenne replied:

    yay! love giveaways-especially to your store! it’s the best!

  172. CDC replied:

    congrats on 3500 fans!

  173. Lenore replied:

    Congrats on so many fans!

  174. kim mcintosh replied:

    Yeah for fans!!!! Fingers crossed
    mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

  175. jamie bartley replied:

    cool I want to win


  176. Lacy Dailey Farmer replied:

    Oh pick me! That would be so cool!

  177. Amanda Laurette replied:

    Ooohhh… pick me! Pick me! haha Yeah, I’d love to win. Thanks for the giveaways! 🙂

  178. Mary replied:

    Hooray for giveaways! Thanks, as always!

  179. Rachel S replied:

    Yay, enter me!

  180. Jen replied:

    Love shopping on your website!

  181. Rebecca replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500 fans!

  182. Danielle replied:

    Whoot! Congratulations!

  183. Rebecca S replied:


  184. Nicole replied:

    Congrats! I love your store = )

  185. Lizzy replied:


  186. Rachel K replied:

    Woot woot for fluff giveaways!!!

  187. Amber Searle replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Love your store : )))

  188. Nick S. replied:

    Wow 3,500 already.

  189. Melissa W. replied:

    3500 fans, awesome!!

  190. HollyC replied:

    Hooray for tons of fans!!

  191. Debbie M replied:

    thanks for the generosity!

  192. Melanie replied:

    New to cd and trying to beef up my stash!

  193. Amanda FIsher replied:

    Woot! Abby’s Lane is the BEST!

  194. Stephanie-jean replied:

    Awesome! Crossing my fingers and toes!

  195. Karin replied:


  196. Mike replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  197. Dan replied:

    I’m a facebook fan! Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!

  198. tonya replied:

    Hoping I get picked 🙂

  199. Dorsha Swartz replied:

    Hoping for the best. I would love a voucher. And yay for all the fans

  200. Rachel replied:

    I’d love to win! Thank you for the opportunity-and congratulations!

  201. Melanie replied:

    ❤ yay, giveaway!

  202. Gina Marie replied:

    I am hooked on your store and giveaways! Thanks!

  203. Ashley Toth replied:

    Awesome and Congrats!!

  204. Kelly M replied:

    Would love to win.

  205. Brian Z replied:


  206. Jessica L replied:

    Love, love, love Abby’s Lane!

  207. Jessica G. replied:

    Yay for more Abby’s Lane Facebook Fans:)

  208. Megan J. replied:

    Yay for giveaways 🙂 I’m really hoping to win so I can start my cloth diaper stash! My little one is due on May 26.

  209. Ryan G. replied:

    Hoping to win so wifey is happy!!!

  210. Kristen replied:

    Awesome! Congrats!

  211. Ashley Fendt replied:

    Woo hoo, you are so nice to have giveaways.

  212. Ariel replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  213. Dave replied:

    Awesome giveaway!

  214. Melissa Vigil replied:

    Thanks for the chance to win. Good joojoo! Good joojoo! Good joojoo! Fingers crossed!

  215. Kassandra replied:

    Congrats on 3500! That is so awesome! And thanks for the amazing giveaway.

  216. Laura replied:


  217. Holly replied:


  218. Stacey Russell replied:

    congrats to our favorite online retailer!
    we’d of course love to win to get the little guy a little something before he arrives =)

  219. Aubrey G replied:

    Exciting, I hope I win!

  220. Kimberlie replied:

    Yeah! Congrats!

  221. Jennifer W. replied:

    You’re always so generous! Thanks for the fun giveaways! 🙂

  222. Alissa replied:

    It’s no surprise to me that your fans keep growing…you’re awesome! I recommend you to anyone who is considering cloth.

  223. Rachel Roberts replied:

    Yay this is exciting!

  224. Madeline replied:

    Yeah! Thanks for the giveaway!

    madelinemiller at gmail dot com

  225. Michelle replied:

    Yay for fans and a contest!

  226. Tracy replied:


  227. Esther replied:


  228. Heidi K replied:

    Yay! I’d love to win.

  229. Colleen Maurina replied:

    Congratulations on reaching 3500! Love cloth diapers!

  230. Sarah Hull replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans on facebook! Yay! Thanks for this awesome giveaway too!

  231. Becky replied:

    Wow! Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
    rahuss85 at gmail dot com

  232. Theresa G replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  233. Tamara Sz replied:

    Please enter me! Thanks so much!

  234. Nina W replied:

    I ❤ Abby's Lane!!! 🙂

  235. Liliana Montemayor replied:

    Congrats ;=)!

  236. Nathania replied:

    Sweet could use this for our family!

  237. Andrea G. replied:

    Thank you so much for doing the giveaway!

  238. Jenn M replied:

    Way to go!

  239. Heather S. replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500 fans!

  240. EmilyER replied:

    Would love to be entered! TY!

  241. Jill replied:

    congrats and thanks! I could really use the credit for some newborn diapers or some OS diapers I haven’t used before to try them out! Yeah new baby in August! A new fluffy bum to ‘pamper’, ha!

  242. Jen L replied:

    Congrats on hitting 3500! Your store was the one I ordered my first cloth diaper from, and I haven’t looked back since :)Thanks!

  243. Allyson replied:

    Congrats on 3500! You guys are growing so fast!! 🙂

  244. Katelyn Bell replied:

    I love your store! I went in a few weeks ago wondering what cloth diapering was all about, and walked out with three different kinds of diapers to try when our first is born (any day now). I’ll definitely be going back in in the future. Everyone is so friendly and helpful! Congrats on hitting 3500!

  245. Alycia C. replied:

    Congrats!!! A $50 voucher sounds great to me!

  246. Jessica A replied:

    Yay! I could use some new fluff 🙂

  247. sheilamom2six replied:

    Sure would love to stock up on some newborn fitteds for my little one coming in September!

  248. Julie replied:

    Abby’s Lane is the BEST cloth diaper store ever! I asked my husband if we could go to Virginia for our anniversary trip this spring (we’re from Iowa), but he’s on to me! I’m not sure his idea of a fun weekend getaway is shopping for cloth diapers all day, but I told him it would be MY idea of a good time, if I got to visit Abby’s Lane’s storefront! Keep up the good work! We have a new little one coming this August so I’m hoping to bulk up my newborn stash! Yea!! 🙂

  249. Tiffany replied:

    Wow! 3500 fans.
    Thanks for having free shipping. Gotta love FREE!!!!

  250. Erin replied:

    How exciting and congrats!

  251. laura kelly replied:

    Awesome!! Abby’s Lane is the best 🙂

  252. Vanessa replied:

    I’d love to win! I’m pregnant with baby #3 and need more small diapers!

  253. Stephanie replied:

    Yay for fans!!! Baby number two is looking forward to being cloth diapered once she is born in June. Thanks for the opportunity to win a gc! 🙂

  254. Misty Pavlovich replied:


  255. Angie Peterson replied:

    Would love to be able to buy some new stuff for my son! I also need some baby gifts!

  256. Amy replied:

    Congrats! 🙂

  257. kristen replied:

    Ooooh I hope I win this! Baby #3 is due in August! Thank you so much for being “the best” resource for cloth diapering around. You deserve each and everyone of your 3500 fans and then some. Congrats!

  258. Jamie B. replied:

    Congrats on 3,500! Here’s to many, many more 🙂

  259. Leasa Navarro replied:

    This would be awesome!

  260. Ada replied:

    Congratz. I love the info I get from here. 🙂

  261. Johanna replied:

    Yay for 3500+ fans and giveaway!

  262. Rebecca M replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans! Thanks for all the wonderful info you provide in your newsletter!

  263. Chris @ Absolutely Adequate replied:

    Congratulations on the fans!

  264. Leah R replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for doing another giveaway 🙂

  265. Elizabeth S. replied:

    THat’s a lot of fans! way to go!

  266. Tricia replied:

    Yeah, 3500 fans!!!

  267. Catherine Brown replied:

    You all rock!!!! Congratulations!!!!

  268. Gina Staub replied:

    Congrats!! 🙂 Will see you all this weekend for the Women’s class!

  269. Donna replied:

    Yeah! Pick me!

  270. Andrew W replied:


  271. merritt replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  272. Elizabeth replied:


  273. Roxanne replied:

    i would love to win a gift voucher!!
    yay for 3500 fans!!!

  274. Tami Brewer replied:

    Congrats!! Thank you for the give away!

  275. KSBR replied:

    Love Abby’s Lane!!

  276. Amber Eaton replied:

    Yay! Thanks so much!!

  277. Jennie Boehm replied:

    this would be great! you are awesome!

  278. K. Heflin replied:

    Yay! for being “liked”! : )

  279. Mary M. replied:


  280. JK replied:

    Me, me, me! Pretty please with sugar on top! 😉

  281. Darcy @ Tales From the Nursery replied:

    Congrats! 🙂

  282. Katie Adams replied:

    I love your store & I love all the appreciate you have for your customers. Also the appreciation we have for your store!

  283. Erin Becker replied:

    I’d love to win this! I’m 8 weeks pregnant and already itching to start a newborn stash! I could really use a second wet bag and pail liner too. Thanks for the generous giveaways, you guys are great! 🙂

  284. Heather Hudson-Alouf replied:

    Congratulations on reaching 3500 fans!!

  285. Ariana replied:

    Love your store, and all the advice in your newsletters!

  286. Cat Reese replied:

    Testing, testing…one, two…

  287. BrassyDel replied:


  288. Amanda replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans! Wish I lived closer to Virginia too so that I could visit the store. There are no stores in my area. That might be a good thing though:)

  289. Brandi Elam replied:

    Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway!

  290. Jessica H replied:

    Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  291. Melissa Wagner replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway. Congrats!

  292. Meg replied:

    Congrats on 3500, ladies!

  293. Megan replied:

    Made my first stop into the store in Manassas today, thanks for tolerating all our questions!!

  294. Linda replied:

    Thanks! And Congradulations!

  295. Laura Schuler replied:


  296. Linda replied:


  297. Sara G. replied:

    Yay!! Congrats!

  298. Rose Leingang replied:


  299. Keturah replied:

    A friend registered on your site and I have found your tips and tricks to be very helpful- including the mama care section. Thanks.

  300. Nikki replied:

    Yeah for 3500 fans on facebook! Thanks 🙂 ngiraldi @ gmail . com

  301. Lisa A replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  302. The Jacobsen Family replied:

    Congrats on 3500!!

  303. Katharine DiMeglio replied:

    So excited for 3500 fans. Love the diapers!!!

  304. Amber M. replied:

    Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!!

  305. Elisha Frumkin replied:

    Yay for 3500 fans!

  306. Samantha replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3500!

  307. Kelli T replied:

    Wow, that’s a great accomplishment. 3500 fans!! Congrats. 🙂

  308. janette west replied:

    I would love to win a voucher!

  309. Lindsey replied:

    Yay! Congrats to you!!!

  310. Christina Black replied:

    Please enter me and Congrats!

  311. Kelly replied:

    thanks for such great customer service!

  312. Katelynne replied:

    That’s awesome! Thanks for the chance!

  313. Leigh Ann Dewyea replied:

    Thanks for the chance to win! And congrats on the fans, I am proudly one of them!

  314. One Southern Girl replied:

    Congratulations!!! Another awesome milestone! Here’s to 4000 ‘likes’!!!

  315. Van replied:

    congrats on 3500 fans!

  316. Tracy replied:

    Congrats on 3500! Thanks for the giveaway!

  317. Sarah MP replied:

    WOOHOO! Yes, please!

  318. Melissa replied:

    Love giveaways! Thanks

  319. Julia Stell replied:


  320. Cary replied:


  321. Kate replied:

    congratulations on all the fans!!!

  322. Sara G. replied:


  323. Jennifer McKee replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  324. Kim replied:

    This week is my Birthday! It would be great to win something. thanks!

  325. John D. replied:


  326. portingles replied:

    I’d love to win!

  327. Toni K. replied:

    Can’t wait! Crossing my fingers!

  328. Jessica D. replied:

    Ooooo so exciting! You always have the best giveaways!!

  329. Betsy Hansen replied:

    That’s a lot of fans!

  330. Martha Sue replied:

    congrats on 3500 fans!

  331. Samantha Cuhel replied:

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🙂

  332. Sara B replied:

    Thanks! I love recommending Abby’s Lane! 🙂

  333. Melody Morman replied:

    Ohh! Ohh! PICK ME! PICK ME! (*frantically waving hand in the air*) ;oD

  334. Amy replied:

    So generous! Abby’s Lane is the sweetest. 🙂

  335. Tina Martin-Nims replied:

    Congratulations! That fantastic!

  336. stampedwithgrace replied:

    congrats! thanks for another great giveaway 🙂

  337. Cassia replied:

    This could come in very useful… 🙂

  338. Katie F. replied:

    Excited about the giveaway!

  339. Kendra replied:

    Desperate for a new pail liner!! Come on, $50!! 🙂

  340. April Naiman replied:

    Congratulations!!! Would LOVE to win this : )

  341. Jennifer replied:

    Very exciting! Congrats on 3500!

  342. Brandice Roberts replied:

    Love you guys!!

  343. Tracie replied:

    Congrats! Thanks for the chance!

  344. Alicia replied:

    3500 fans is amazing! How exciting — yay! 🙂

  345. Jessica Z replied:


  346. Lotus Stewart replied:

    That’s a lot of fans- Congratulations! 🙂

  347. Brittany Hart replied:

    Congrats! 🙂

    I would love to get some swim dipes!

  348. melissa b. replied:

    I’m a FB fan! I also am on your newsletter and LOVE your free shipping!

  349. Amy T replied:

    Congrats! You just keep on growing!

  350. Melissa replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans! 🙂

  351. Jennie V replied:


  352. Jamie LaRue replied:

    So happy for you!

  353. Ashleigh C replied:


  354. tami replied:

    i loe abbys lane!

  355. Cari replied:

    What a fabulous giveaway, thanks!

  356. Nikki Landry replied:

    Love your store- I hope I win!

  357. Jennifer S replied:

    Happy for you

  358. Andrea replied:

    Congrats! Love to enter the contest.

  359. Jessica A replied:

    Would love to win! Thanks again for a great giveaway!

  360. Ana replied:


  361. Anjana solaiman replied:

    So happy to have found your store online!

  362. Danielle Tatro replied:

    congratulations! I love your shop, always the best customer service. I send all my CD friends and family to you!

  363. Cyndi A replied:


  364. Marla replied:


  365. Sara T. replied:

    Congrats on 3500 fans!!

  366. Michele replied:


  367. Lindsey replied:

    Yey for 3500!!!! We LOVE Abbys Lane!

  368. Peter replied:


  369. Jenna M replied:

    LOVE Abby’s Lane!!

  370. Kelly J replied:

    Thank you for this give away!

  371. Brooke M. replied:

    Yay for so many fans!! 🙂

  372. Corrie replied:

    Hooray for giveaways!!! Congrats on all the fans!

  373. Shasta McClenahan replied:

    Enter me in the giveaway!

  374. Melanie replied:


  375. Jessica replied:

    enter me thanks!

  376. Jenn replied:

    Awesome!! 🙂
    jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com

  377. Rachel S. replied:


  378. Heather replied:

    Congrats on reaching 3,500!

  379. Katy replied:

    what a lovely giveaway. As a longtime customer and friend, I am so happy Abby’s Lane is doing so well! 🙂

  380. Emily W replied:

    Thanks for letting us enter through the blog!

  381. Missy Davenport replied:

    Wow 3500 that is amazing!Congrats!!!!!

  382. Susan replied:

    Awesome giveaway! My fingers are crossed!

  383. Jenny Purath replied:

    Hooray for Abby’s Lane!

  384. Rachel Leslie replied:

    Yay! 🙂

  385. Sarah replied:

    Abby’s Lane is great!

  386. Carrie replied:

    Love your store!

  387. Anna replied:

    I love that you do free shipping!

  388. Jaime replied:

    congrats on 3500!

  389. Kailyn replied:

    Congradulations on 3500!
    and thanks for a chance to win!

  390. Donna replied:


  391. Krista replied:

    What a great giveaway – Congrats on reaching 3500 fans! 🙂

  392. Derek replied:

    Thanks for the great store and helpful information!

  393. Brooke replied:

    Always love a giveaway! :o)

  394. Kandi Roeske replied:

    Thank you for your diaper classes, and wonderful customer service, everyone is always patient and willing to help answer questions!

  395. Amanda B replied:


  396. Amanda R replied:

    just received our first order from you guys – it came lightning fast! and I love the free shipping!! thanks for the chance to win some $$ to put toward another order! 😀

  397. Talitha replied:

    I love Abby’s Lane!

  398. Carlee H replied:

    Wow! You guys are SO nice!! Thank you!

  399. Noelle replied:

    I would LOVE a $50 credit!

  400. Stephanie replied:

    Wow – thanks for offering up ANOTHER generous giveaway. I have a newborn on the way & could definitely put this to good use. Thanks for a chance to win!

  401. Rachel K replied:

    woot woot!!!

  402. Anita replied:


  403. Amber Richards replied:

    Woo hoo for contests!!! 🙂

  404. Stephanie Barnard replied:

    congrats on all the fans.

  405. Lindsay replied:

    Awesome giveaway! Congrats on 3500!

  406. Ben replied:

    in for the win

  407. Tracy replied:


  408. April replied:


  409. Kadybug replied:

    I’m crossing my fingers! That would be awesome. Congrats on the fans you deserve it, you rock!

  410. Beth K replied:

    Abby’s Lane is exceptional! Thanks for the giveaway!

  411. Robin Hadden replied:

    Wow I need to win this giveaway. I have a new baby comming so it will help build my stash………..
    Abby’s Lane ROCKS!

  412. Meghan Floirendo replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    It would be great to win since it’s my birthday! =)

  413. Carrie replied:

    Congrats for a well-deserved following!

  414. Lainie replied:

    Yay!! Congratulations. I love using cloth!!!

  415. Christina replied:


  416. Lori replied:

    Baaa, I need some woolly stuff. 🙂

  417. Kelli Atangan replied:

    Yay! Congrats on the fan club 😉

  418. Tracey replied:

    Congrats & hope I win- my little one is outgrowing our current stash of diapers

  419. Tricia replied:

    It would be great to win and have an excuse to visit the b&m again!

  420. Alexis replied:


  421. Maria replied:

    I would love to win!!

  422. Jackie Ziegler replied:

    Congrats! That’s a lot of fans!

  423. Ruth B replied:


  424. Nicole M. replied:

    Yay for 3500!!

  425. Ryan G. replied:

    hoping to win this for my wife:)

  426. Jessica G. replied:

    yay for more facebook fans!

  427. michelle avolio replied:

    Congrats on 3500!

  428. Megan Hulsey replied:

    This would help me finish out my newborn stash! Thanks for doing this giveaway and congrats on 3500 fans!

  429. Cassandra replied:

    Awesome! Love all the give aways you do 🙂

  430. angela pennartz replied:

    love it tyvm

  431. KatieH replied:

    I’m new to cloth diapering and would love to win so I can build up my stash!!

  432. Emily replied:

    Yay for 3500!! Oh, the things I would buy with $50!

  433. Heather Irwin replied:

    wow that is a lot of fans!

  434. Kelli Lorenza replied:

    Awesome! thanks so much!

  435. karen replied:

    Like?—Love Abby’s Lane! So, glad I got into cloth diapers!

  436. Grandma replied:

    Have been a fan for my granddaughter since you opened store in Manassas

  437. Heather replied:

    Yay for Abby’s Lane! 🙂

  438. Lisa H replied:

    Would love to win!!

  439. Chelsey Murnan replied:

    I love the giveaways! 🙂

  440. Catharine Bushman replied:

    Congrats on all the FB fans! And thanks for all the great how-to’s!!

  441. Ciara Weaver replied:

    I am having the hardest time finding a diaper that will keep my son dry at night. Any suggestions? Hope I can win this, hoping that this company can help my sheets during the night!

  442. Amy replied:

    Abby’s Lane is moving along!!!

    Ciara – have you tried double absorbency(two or even three liner) with your normal day diaper. (we use knickernappies)
    and then a wool cover over it?

    We have had good success with this method. The disana wool cover is awesome!!! We love them!

  443. Megan Ogren replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats on 3500 fans!

  444. India Jobs replied:

    Really great.. 3500 fans and might be increasing day by day. Hoping for quick increase in number.

  445. Stacy Van Bourgondien replied:

    I could use some more diapers!

  446. Stacy replied:

    I could use some diapers!

  447. Libby Hunt replied:

    congrats, thanks for the chance!

    libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com

  448. betsy replied:

    Yay, congrats!

  449. Britney replied:

    Congrats! I’d LOVE to win a gift certificate!!!

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