Ergo Giveaway

This is your no-buy entry place for our September 1 Ergo giveaway 🙂 You can enter for the prize of one (ah heck, let’s make it two) carrier (s) of your choice style and color. Just comment below to enter, you can also register additional entries with orders over $20.00, just type in “Ergo Entry” in the order notes 🙂
We will announce the winner here and on Facebook~

UPDATE: Why not give away two? One winner to our no-buy entries, one to the order entries 🙂

August 23, 2010. Tags: . Uncategorized.


  1. patricia replied:

    I would love to win one. I have a 25 pound 8 month old that loves to be held! =D this would be awesome.

    • Suzanne Parmet replied:

      I would love one. My baby will never let me put him down and I’ve developed tendonitis in my thumb – oy vey!

    • Kelley S replied:

      I would love to be entered. I have been wanting an Ergo forever… I just need to get one. Especially now that we are expecting #5.

    • Crystal replied:

      I’d be so Blessed to recieve an ergo!! We really need a structured carrier!

    • Lindsay replied:

      Would love to win an Ergo! 🙂

    • Brittany Bradford replied:

      would love to win!! I’ve always coveted the almighty Ergo!

    • Ashleigh C replied:

      I’d love the performance Ergo. That’s the new one with “cooler” fabric, right. Wearing my new baby in the summer heat is killing me. 🙂

    • kate replied:

      I would love to win an Ergo for my baby!

    • Wendy Rhodes replied:

      I would LOVE to win one!!! After a year of unsuccessfully TTC, my husband and I are in the process of adopting a toddler from Ethiopia. The adoption process is going to deplete pretty much all of our funds, but the ergo would be perfect to carry our toddler and to help facilitate the bonding/attachment process!

    • Tricia replied:

      I would love to win a Ergo, all my friends have one and love it. I would love to have an ergo to take my baby on walks or to the grocery store.

    • Melissa C replied:

      I want to enter! 🙂

    • Ariana replied:

      I would love an Ergo! This is what we will be getting, even better if it’s free!

    • Rita B replied:

      Would love to win the green Performance Ergo!

    • Shawn replied:

      Grandma here would love to win an Ergo carrier for
      new Granddaughter coming in Oct.

    • Dani replied:

      Oh I would love to get my hands on the new performance carrier. I already have 2 Ergos at home so hubby wouldn’t be happy if I bought a third. But if I could win one :0)

    • blythe replied:

      Not sure if my other entry went through right… Please enter me for the ergo drawing. Thanks!

    • Allison replied:

      Just sliding in at the last minute!!
      I am thrilled with the opportunity to win an Ergo! We are huge fans of Abby’s Lane and appreciate all of your helpful advice:) Also, the fact that you are such an approachable and hands on company makes all the difference in the world to us! We buy from you first!! It’s nice to work with a company that adds in so many personal touches:) Thank you!
      I’ll be entering both places! Love a quality give away!

    • Kate replied:

      We would LOVE to get a new Ergo! The one I have now gets daily use, and I bought it used, so I am beginning to see the wear (other than the normal fading where the little guys mouth it). Being a mom full time would be really hard without good tools for babywearing!

  2. Amanda replied:

    Would love to win an Ergo!

  3. Christy replied:

    Thanks for a fun giveaway! We’d love to be entered. Thanks!

    “Christy with Three Girls” 🙂

  4. Tiffany U replied:

    I would adore the Performance in the green!!!! 🙂

  5. nikki replied:

    Yay an Ergo would be fantastic

  6. nikki replied:


  7. Sarah Hull replied:

    The Organic Dark Chocolate Ergo looks good enough to eat! I think my son would love being carried in this. Thanks for the awesome giveaway

  8. Lindsay Johnson replied:

    O.M.G. 😀 I would die to have one of these! My arms are about to fall off carrying around my 1 month old to keep her safe from my almost 3 yr old, but I can’t convince hubby to spend 100+ on a carrier (sigh)

  9. Kayla replied:

    My daughter loves to be worn. Right now we use a homemade carrier. I would love to have an Ergo!

  10. Amanda Steele replied:

    what a cool giveaway! here’s to hoping!

  11. Leasa replied:

    I love the Ergo and I would love to try out the new last and greatest model.

  12. Amy replied:

    What a great giveaway!

  13. Kelly replied:

    I’m dying for one!

  14. Ashley N. replied:

    Would love to win this!!!!

  15. Stephanie replied:

    I would LOVE to win an Organic Green Ergo! I have had my eye on one for a while, but have not been able to talk my husband into getting me one.

  16. Sarah G. replied:

    I’d love the Organic Navy Carrier!

  17. Erica Schoenborn replied:

    I would love to win this!!

  18. Bambino replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! Thanks for this giveaway! 🙂

  19. Tammy replied:

    Yay for an Ergo giveaway, my daughter and my son both love to be worn!!!

  20. Kat replied:

    I would like to enter.

  21. Kristin replied:

    Would LOVE to win this!

  22. Heather A. replied:

    I totally want to win an ERGO!

  23. Kristy replied:

    Oh how I want one of the new sport Ergos…please pick me! (probably not, I never win anything!) 🙂

  24. Tracy replied:

    Please enter me! I’ve been wanting to try a carrier, especially an Ergo!

  25. Summer Watt replied:

    I want to win this for my husband so we each have our own carriers! I have a Beco Butterfly II, and the Ergo would be perfect for him in a manly color. I hope I win!

  26. Joy replied:

    So great!

  27. Michelle replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  28. Laura replied:

    Enter me please!

  29. Melanie replied:

    A Ergo would be awesome!

  30. Carly Glover replied:

    i would love to win one. my son is 22 pound at 6 months old that loves to be held! I could use the help!

  31. Amy Hunter replied:

    Hi, I just wanted to thank you for offering such a great prize! I would love to have the opportunity to win an ergo carrier.


  32. Ashley M replied:

    Would love to win, my 4 month weighs 17 lbs and gets quite heavy

  33. Yuri replied:

    Ooh! I want an Ergo!!! 😀

  34. Chelsey replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Karli replied:

    I’d love to be entered to win an Ergo!

  36. Heather Moore replied:

    I want to try this sooo badly! We are going on a tour of DC this fall and it would be super handy to have!!

    kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com

    Thanks for sponsoring!! 😀

  37. Angela replied:

    I’d love to have an Ergo!

  38. katie replied:

    I would love to be entered! Thank you for offering such a wonderful prize!!

  39. Sarah Magorka replied:

    I would love a new Ergo! 🙂

  40. Benjamin replied:

    enter me please…

  41. Christina Black replied:

    Fingers crossed 😀

  42. Casey replied:

    Oh we would LOVE an Ergo!!! I think my daughter loses her mind every time I get more than 2 feet away from her.

  43. Janessa Solem replied:

    I’ve heard these are awesome and i’d love to try one!!

  44. laura kelly replied:

    Have a Maya and used it with the last three… always wanted to try an Ergo, maybe Baby #4 will be the Lucky Winner 🙂 THANK YOU!!

  45. Rachel replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  46. Ken replied:

    My wife and twins would love to win one!

  47. Justine McD. replied:

    I would love to win one. My little (19½lb) 16month old is a mommy’s girl and loves walking around and this would be awesome!

  48. nancy replied:

    Hello, I would really like it if you entered me into this draw.


  49. amanda replied:

    I would love to win an ergo… my sister who is pregnant with her third sold all of her baby stuff so she would be thrilled.

  50. Shilpa replied:

    I would LOVE to win an Organic Green Ergo!

  51. kristen huss replied:

    I would love to be entered!!

  52. Ashli L replied:

    Been thinking about trying out an Ergo for my 2 year old twins (another baby on the way) and I would love to win one…please pick me!!! 😀

  53. Grace replied:

    I would love to have this carrier

  54. Raquel replied:

    Crossing my fingers, hoping to win!

  55. Eve & Milo's Mom replied:

    I would love to win this. What a great giveaway!

  56. Elizabeth K. replied:

    This would be great!!! My hubby is very “thrify” & I doubt I would have the chance to have an Ergo unless it was a gift or if I wanted to get into a lot of trouble;) I have a little girl who just loves to be held but has chubby thighs so her carrier”borrowed from a sister in law-@ least 5 years old” leaves such awful marks on her and its just terrible to get her out. I need something more comfortable for her and for me. I have heard such wonderful things about Ergo!! Well be buying as much stuff off abby’s lane to increase our chances as well!!

  57. Kelly replied:

    I would love one too!!! Thanks for the opportunity 😉

  58. Ami replied:

    Oooh, I’d love to win an Ergo! 😀

  59. Leah R replied:

    I’ve been so excited for this giveaway! I’m dying to try out the new performance carrier! Thanks for running this 🙂

  60. Heidi K replied:

    Enter me!

  61. Sara replied:

    I’ve been daydreaming about owning an Ergo carrier. Thank you for the opportunity to win one!

  62. magpie replied:

    This is the diamond on my dream list. Would LOVE to have an ERGO!

  63. Alison replied:

    Please, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE an ergo!! =)

  64. Rachel replied:

    I have been coveting an Ergo for years but have never been able to afford one. I would be thrilled to fill one!!!

  65. Jessie H replied:

    I would soo love one of these! With #2 on the way it would be super handy 😉

  66. Irene replied:

    I would love to win a performance in spring green.

  67. Candace replied:

    Wouldn’t mind winning one of these!

  68. Liz replied:

    Ooh! I would love one! I know my hubby would rather have an Ergo than a sling.

  69. Julia replied:

    I would be thrilled if I won. Please enter me!

  70. Maria replied:

    Awesome giveaway!

  71. Michele replied:

    We loved our Ergo with baby number one, but he always got so hot! Now that number two is just about here I would love a new one in grey! What a great giveaway!

  72. kristi replied:

    Please enter me!!!

  73. Meghan B replied:

    I would love to win! I’m dying for one in galaxy grey.

  74. kristen replied:

    Ergo Carrier Give-away, oh my! I would so love to win the performance for all of the hiking and camping we do. Not to mention, this summer has been HOT!!

  75. MaryBeth replied:

    I would like to try one!

  76. amy replied:

    got my fingers crossed!

  77. Jessica Allen replied:

    Oh my goodness! I would LOVE to win!!! I’ve been trying to win the Chocolate Twill carrier forever now! 😀

  78. Tami replied:

    I’d love to enter! I’ve always wanted one of these!!

  79. Colleen Maurina replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo – have heard that they are the very best!

  80. Rachel S replied:

    YAY! Enter me, dying to try an Ergo out!

  81. The Jacobsen Family replied:

    We will be having our baby in less than 3 weeks! This has been on my wish list since I found out we were expecting. You’d totally make my day, month, YEAR if we won! Thanks so much for the chance!!

  82. Becky replied:

    I would LOVE to win this one!!!

  83. Pamela P replied:

    I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to win an Ergo!

  84. fancygrlnancy replied:

    I would love to win an ERGO.. thanks for the chance.

  85. Kristin replied:

    Oh, I’ve always wanted an ERGO! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  86. Michelle replied:

    Winning an Ergo would be so amazing! We desperately need one.

  87. Jennifer W. replied:

    What a generous giveaway! Thanks for doing so much to encourage all of us to do the best for our children. We’d certainly love to win one, third blessing on the way. 🙂

  88. Crystal replied:

    awesome!! Enter me please!!

  89. Diaper Dad replied:

    I am under orders from my physical therapist to not use baby carriers unless they have lumbar support. From the looks of it, Ergo is my best shot at babywearing without making my back any worse.
    Thanks for giving me the chance to own one!

    diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

  90. Chrystal replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! Thank you for the opportunity to do so! 🙂

  91. Alyssa replied:

    I would love an Ergo!

  92. Jaimi replied:

    Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway!

  93. Casey replied:

    I need an Ergo! My back hurts from holding my baby all the time!

  94. Hallie replied:

    I’d like to enter! Thank you 🙂

  95. Carrie replied:

    me me!!! 🙂

  96. Angela replied:

    Enter me please 🙂

  97. Melissa Phinney replied:

    Commenting to enter! 🙂

  98. Kati replied:

    I’d love to try a Ergo performance in grey! Thanks for the opportunity!

  99. Nikki replied:

    woo! great giveaway!

  100. Jessica replied:

    Love your blog! But would really love an Ergo! 🙂

  101. Kristin B. replied:

    I would love, love, love to win one! Will be buying one for the baby on the way 🙂

  102. Kim replied:

    ergo would be great, thanks!

  103. Melissa replied:

    Could really use an Ergo! These are great carriers! Thanks!

  104. Deb replied:

    Oooh, organic navy is beautiful!

  105. Sarah replied:

    WOO HOO!!! An ERGO!!!

    Best. Giveaway. Ever.

  106. Annie replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! How exciting!

  107. Sarah S. replied:

    What a great contest! I would love to be entered please :0)

  108. Tutsy Asmus replied:

    Enter me please!

  109. Erin replied:

    What a great prize!

  110. Lindsey replied:

    I would love to win an ERGO for my daughter! She loves to be carried all the time and I’ve wanted one, just too expensive for us to buy right now. Thanks for the giveaway!

  111. Laura replied:

    Oh, how I would LOVE an ERGO!! Crossing my fingers!

  112. Melissa replied:

    I would love to win!

  113. HC replied:

    I would love an Ergo! I have a 2.5 year old and another on the way! I cant to start buy more cloth for this little one either 🙂

  114. Monica F. replied:

    I would LOVE the grey performance Ergo, but I would love any Ergo, period!!!!

  115. merritt replied:

    Another Ergo is never a bad thing! 🙂

  116. Linnea wilhelm replied:

    Oh I’d love to win the new Ergo!

  117. Elizabeth replied:

    Would love to win an Ergo for sister who is expecting first. Thank you.

  118. Erin replied:

    What a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to enter! 🙂

  119. Lisa B replied:

    LOVE this opportunity. thank youuuu!

  120. Amber replied:

    Please enter me. 🙂

  121. Cary replied:

    Yay! I would love a carrier. Thanks so much for all the giveaways! I love you guys!

  122. Alexis replied:

    This would be awesome! I am trying to save up to buy a nice carrier!

  123. Katherine replied:

    I’d love to win this!!!

  124. Kristina Olson replied:

    I would love an ergo!! Thanks!

  125. Sara replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! I have a Beco, and while I love it for back carries, I actually prefer the Ergo for front carry and the option of hip carry as well. Thanks! :0)

  126. Jessica replied:

    Enter us please!! 😀

  127. Becki replied:

    I hear these carriers are awesome, I would love to win one.

  128. Yvette replied:

    Oh yes please!

  129. Janelle replied:

    I love your store and I’d like to try one of the new ergo performance carriers.

  130. regan replied:

    i would love an ergo! what a great giveaway 🙂

  131. Carli replied:

    I would LOVE to win an ERGO! I love wearing my 9 month old, I wouldn’t be able to leave the house if I didn’t wear him!

  132. Becky replied:

    I bought my first ERGO from Abby’s Lane and we would love to have a second one around because we use it SO MUCH!!!

  133. Stephanie Pepper replied:

    I would love to win one of these for my husband to use. He would love to have a carrier of his own that’s more masculine than mine. 🙂

  134. Ellen replied:

    What a great giveaway!

  135. Ana replied:

    I heart ergo!

  136. Kristy D. replied:

    I’d LOVE love LOVE to win an Ergo! Please enter me! 😀 Thanks!

  137. Nicole replied:

    I would love the Ergo Performance Carrier in spring green!

  138. bambi bittner replied:

    i would love to win one, these are really great.

  139. Kate F replied:

    I would LOVE to try and Ergo, thanks for the great giveaways!

  140. Hanan replied:

    Ergo entry!

    Thanks for doing this 🙂

  141. Lenore replied:

    I would be so excited to win this!!

  142. Angela replied:

    I would love to try Ergo! Please enter me. I have heard good things about them and Anything would beet carrying my son everywhere and give my arms a break lol!

  143. Jen B replied:

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  144. Sarah replied:

    Thank you for an awesome giveaway! 🙂

  145. Stacy replied:

    Ooo, I’d love to try an ergo!

  146. Jenn replied:

    I’d love one!!
    jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com

  147. Sarah replied:

    The new ergo sounds great! Please enter me.


  148. Angela replied:


  149. Lesley replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  150. Carrie replied:

    As a new biology professor who does fieldwork in the mountains of western North America, I would love to use the ErgoBaby to bring my daughter with me for two reasons: (1) to keep her involved with my daily activities, and (2) to be a role model for young women in science, by showing them that you can pursue your dreams as a scientist without sacrificing your ability to be a mother.

  151. Annie replied:

    Please enter me. Thanks.

  152. Kelly M replied:

    Would love to win. Thanks!

  153. Brian replied:

    What a great giveaway!

  154. Jenny replied:

    Oooh this is an awesome giveaway!! I might pee if I actually won this one, lol. 🙂 Thanks, Jenny

  155. Erin replied:

    I would love to win an ergo. I have a Beco, but the new active Ergo looks like it might be better for outdoorsy things and hot summer days.

  156. Jennifer replied:

    Fantastic! Ergos are such wonderful carriers. Enter me please 😉

  157. Nicole Samona replied:

    I would LOVE to win an Ergo!!
    Here’s my entry!

  158. Alisha S replied:

    An Ergo giveaway… that’s amazing! Thank you guys for being so awesome. Even if I don’t win, I’m excited for whoever does win. I’m sure you’re going to make someone’s year:)

  159. Lisa R. replied:

    SQUEEL!!! I’m expecting baby #4 in Nov., and have been debating carriers for this time around. This would be PERFECT! 🙂

    Thanks so much!

  160. Lisa Starke replied:

    I would love to be entered into the contest! Good luck everyone!

  161. Amanda O. replied:

    Would love to try an Ergo carrier!

  162. Paula replied:

    I love ergos!

  163. Sara G. replied:

    I would love to have one for Jan Pawel due December 5th, 2010!

  164. Vered replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! 🙂 My baby loves being carried on my back!

  165. Elizabeth replied:

    Entering for ergo 🙂

  166. Catherine replied:

    I would love to win an ergo!!!

  167. Keturah replied:

    I’ve been drooling over the Galaxy Grey with embroidery!

  168. Morgen replied:

    I would love to win the new Ergo Performance Carrier since my son is such a little hot box. It’s a good item to loan out to new parents too!

  169. Stephanie M replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo. Especially for my husband so he can wear our daughter more. Then I could wear my son at the same time.

  170. Maria replied:

    I would love to win!!

  171. Katherine Allen replied:

    Would love to win!

  172. Wilma replied:

    Crossing my fingers!!! I would love to try one out…I have heard such good things about them!

  173. Rikki replied:

    This is an awsome give away. Please enter me : )

  174. Jen K. replied:

    Would love a new performance Ergo — mine right not gets so hot, esp. in the DC summers.

  175. Laura Hammons replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo carrier – I’ve heard such great things about them! 🙂

  176. Keeley X replied:

    I would love an ergo performance carrier in spring green. My sleepy wrap is just so hot in the summer I can hardly use it.

  177. Alicia replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! I’m taking a trip alone with my 18 month old and am looking for an easy way to carry her on my back. I can do a back carry with a mei tai just fine, but I think the Ergo would be simpler in the airport, etc.

  178. Kristin V replied:

    Oh, I would love an ergo!!!!

  179. Aubrey G replied:

    I would so love to win this! I’m desperate for an Ergo!

  180. Jannell replied:

    Would love to win!!

  181. Lisa replied:

    would love an Ergo to save my back!

  182. Brittany replied:

    I’d love to win an Ergo, never tried one (and I’ve tried a TON of carriers!) Thanks!

  183. Britney replied:

    I’d love to win! Great giveaway! Thanks!

  184. Hannah replied:

    I have been looking at the Ergo carriers for months but am not in a position to buy one right now. I would love to have one!!

  185. Brianna replied:

    Would love to win an ergo to carry my little one coming in october while I chase around my two year old.

  186. Gina Marie replied:

    I am addicted to entering your giveaways and I love Ergo! One of these days I will win something 🙂 hopefully this one!

  187. Sarah replied:

    I would love the performance in Grey or Spring Green! Heck, I’d love any style and color!!

  188. Sandra T replied:

    thanks for the giveaway!

  189. Kendyl replied:

    Wow, what an awesome giveaway! I LOVE the new performance carriers and would be thrilled to get one for my son!
    kendylann3 (at) yahoo

  190. Laura replied:


  191. Casey replied:

    Thanks so much for a chance to win a great carrier!!! 🙂

  192. Adrian B replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  193. Colleen replied:

    We would LOVE to win the Ergo. We hike a lot and could really use a high quality carrier. It’s the kind of thing that would be great to pass along to a new mom down the road. Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

  194. Jenni replied:

    I tried the “original” Ergo and it didn’t work for me, but I’d love to try the Performance, or maybe the Sport!

  195. Thyra replied:

    would love one of these!

  196. Christina O'Donnell replied:

    Galaxy please. Thank you.

  197. Shasta McClenahan replied:

    Ergo me please! I really want to try the new performance carrier!

  198. Janae replied:

    I would love to win an ergo! Thanks for the opportunity!

  199. Allyson replied:

    Ergo entry please!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the chance!!

  200. jinny replied:

    I would love to win and Ergo!!!

  201. Lori replied:

    What a great giveaway. Ergo’s rarely can be found for a bargain!

  202. Ellen replied:

    we love our hand-me-down ergo, and it would be so great to have two so hubby and i wouldn’t have to keep switching the settings back and forth. he’s over a foot taller than me and has 90lbs on me 🙂

  203. Jamie replied:

    enter us pleaase! thanks

  204. Gabrielle replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  205. Melanie replied:

    I would love an Ergo too!

  206. J replied:

    Sounds fantastic to have one! Would love to be able to do some sort of hip carry with these.

  207. Sarah replied:

    what a great give-away! Abby’s Lane- you are making mommy’s lives happier and easier everyday!

  208. Christine replied:

    This might be the best giveaway ever. Abby’s Lane Rocks!

  209. Jodi replied:

    I would love to win one of these!

  210. Sarah replied:

    Ergo giveaway?? Awesome!!

  211. Phillip replied:

    My wife would love to have an Ergo!

  212. Amanda Carrigan replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  213. Jessica replied:

    I would LOVE to have an Ergo!

  214. Beth replied:

    I have a homemade carrier now and would love to win the Galaxy Grey with Embroidery for my 6 month old son who loves to be carried!

    Beth Dickson

  215. Jess replied:

    Pick me! Pick me!

  216. Mariah replied:

    This is an amazing giveaway! Love shopping at Abby’s Lane!


  217. Jessica Lister replied:

    I would LOVE to win an ergo performance in spring green 🙂

  218. Deann replied:

    would love to enter!

  219. Stacey replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  220. Tricia replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  221. jessica jacobson replied:

    would love to win an ergo!!! awesome giveaway thanks!

  222. Rachel W replied:

    This is great!

  223. Melissa W. replied:

    Yay for the Ergo giveway – I’m excited. I think I’m ready for an Ergo- my daughter is 15 mos (and still likes to be carried a lot) and I’ve got another daughter on the way in November.

  224. Emilie Raustøl replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! Excellent giveaway!

  225. Kara W replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! I’ve heard they are so much more comfy than the baby bjorn that I use

  226. hooliganmama replied:

    oooooh! pick me please, i never get to win anything!

  227. Sara L replied:

    I would absolutely love one! This is a great giveaway!

  228. Shannon replied:

    Would love the opportunity to win an Ergo. They are GREAT carriers! What a great giveaway!

  229. Kelley S replied:

    ok I by accident replied to someone else rather than posting a comment to the original post. *blush* sorry.

  230. Joy replied:

    With a new baby on the way it would be great to win an Ergo Baby Carrier. Thanks for the opportunity!

  231. Vanessa replied:

    I tried a friend’s ergo recently and loved it. Thanks for the chance to win!

  232. Alissa replied:

    I’ve been dying to try an Ergo carrier!! We have three babies under 2 years old and this would really help since that extra set of arms I had hoped for never grew in!

  233. Elizabeth replied:

    Best giveaway ever! I’d love a new Ergo. Please enter me!

  234. Jaime Z replied:

    I have wanted to try an Ergo carrier for my 8 month old – but can’t ever find room in the budget! Crossing my fingers 🙂

  235. Lisa A. replied:

    I would loooove to have an Ergo carrier..truth is, it just isn’t in the budget–just on the wish list! 😉 Please enter me in the giveaway!! Fingers and eyes crossed! HAHA! 🙂

  236. Julia Stell replied:

    winning an ergo would be so awesome! i’ll have 3 kids 3 and under come december and even my oldest is still small enough to wear.

  237. Noelle replied:

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE an Ergo!

  238. Amy B. replied:

    I’d love to win an Ergo!

  239. Stephanie G replied:

    I LOVE my Ergo, but I would also really like to try out a new Ergo! 😉

  240. erica replied:

    I’d love an Ergo! A bunch of my mama friends have them and love them. Great giveaway!

  241. Ashley replied:

    I’d love to win an Ergo to use with my baby, who’s due this fall!

  242. Hannah replied:

    I have heard good things about the Ergo!

  243. Amy Barron-Gafford replied:

    I would love to support babywearing around town with an Ergo!

  244. KSBR replied:

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter and what a fun way to get my mind off the end of summer.

  245. Elisabeth Crowl replied:

    I would love one! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  246. Julie Jensen replied:

    I WOULD LOVE an Ergo Carrier!! My baby girl loves to be held all the time!

  247. Jenn replied:

    Of course I would love to win; I’d choose either the green performance or the black sport. I have a snuggly 24 month old, a 3 year old and hopefully one on the way!

    jennifer @

  248. Andrea replied:

    I would love to win one- and September 1 is my due date!

  249. Sarah O. replied:

    We’d love to win an Ergo too. My 9 month old loves to be carried.

  250. Jennifer A replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!!

  251. janette west replied:

    I would love to win an ergo! Baby #2 due in December.

  252. janette west replied:

    oops sorry due in FEBRUARY. Can I blame preggo brain? Where did december come from?!?!

  253. Allison replied:

    Yeah for the Ergo giveaway! I hear they’re the best!

  254. Jessica Roberson replied:

    Please enter me for the Ergo and get my husband to stop carrying our 17lb DD is the bjorn!!

  255. Mary replied:

    I would LOVE to win this!

  256. Nicole replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo Performance carrier!! I’ve never tried the Ergo but it looks fabulous!

  257. Mary M replied:

    we would love an ergo 🙂

  258. Jen Scaggs replied:

    Please enter me!! I’d love to win an Ergo!

  259. Lisa replied:

    I would like to win this. =)

  260. Deanna replied:

    Sweet! I’ve never won anything, but perhaps… Perhaps I will tihs time, and I will actually get more stuff done around the house. My 8-month-old loves to be held while I’m standing, but it kills my neck. 😦 I keep trying to budget for an ergo, but it’s never in the funds.

  261. Meg Filbey replied:

    I would love an Ergo!

  262. Kris F replied:

    I would love a performance ERGO!

  263. Michelle replied:

    I just borrowed an Ergo from a friend and LOVE it! I would love have one of my own in the one of the newer versions! Thanks for the giveaway.

  264. Britt replied:

    Would love the chocolate ergo – I have heard nothing but wonderful things – after using our current carrier my back is in need of the extra support 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway!

  265. amber replied:

    I would love an ergo!!

  266. Erica E replied:

    I have been wanting an ERGO since I found out about them but it hasn’t been in our budget to purchase so I would LOVE to win!

  267. Heather replied:

    This would make a great birthday gift for me, seeing as September 1st is my birthday and I’m dealing with a clingy toddler who’s working on her molars. 🙂

  268. Brittany replied:

    I would love a new Ergo! Mine got stolen at the zoo 😦 I’ve been lost without it! And in this bad economy, and my husband just getting off an unnecessary 3 week no pay strike we don’t have the money to buy a new one! I would love one!!

  269. Carrie replied:

    I love Abby’s Lane. Your store has been my go to for all my cloth diaper needs. An Ergo would rock!

  270. Shannon replied:

    Oh I want to win an ergo so bad!! =)

  271. Vanessa replied:

    I love the new Ergos!

  272. Tracie replied:

    I would love a new Ergo!

  273. Jamie O. replied:

    Please enter me, thank you!

  274. Jessica A replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo for my cousin who is having her first baby in December 🙂

  275. Callie replied:

    I would love to have an ergo!

  276. barbara replied:

    My daughter just outgrew her Moby, and I have to return the woven wrap I’ve been using to it’s owner. Now would be the perfect time for me to win an Ergo!

  277. Lauren replied:

    My sister is due in December with her first after a loooong time trying, I would love to win this for her!!!

  278. Gina Staub replied:

    This is a great giveaway! How exciting!! 🙂

  279. Jessica Foster replied:

    I have been wanting one of these carriers since before my baby was born and have been scouting Craigslist and Ebay for a cheap/used one! So far, we still don’t have one and she will be 1 next month! I would LOVE to win this!!

  280. Jen Repetto replied:

    I’d love one!

  281. Harmoine replied:

    Would love to win an Ergo!

  282. Parker Lincoln replied:

    We’d love to have an Ergo…what an awesome giveaway!!! My 7-month old likes to ‘ride’ and I know she’d love this!

  283. LesLee Parish replied:

    I just found out we are expecting #3. I’m guessing this baby will be worn a lot! Thanks for the chance!

  284. Emily replied:

    Expecting early next year. Many of my friends swear by their Ergo carriers. Can’t wait to try one out myself!

  285. Kelly Kurek replied:

    I would LOVE to win an Ergo Carrier!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  286. Hannah Williams replied:

    This would be amazing for my dh (and for me, too) – I just went back to work and he doesn’t like the sling or the mei tai, but is home with the baby and two year old all day. I think it would be a lifesaver for him!!!

  287. Ali replied:

    I would love to win, count me in!!

  288. Chantelle Scott replied:

    What an Awesome Giveaway! I would love a new Ergo to try out with my little one! 🙂

  289. Joanne Moran replied:

    Oooh! Would love an ergo. My current carrier kills my back!!

  290. stampedwithgrace replied:

    how fun! love the cranberry 🙂

  291. Van replied:

    We’ve always wanted one of these.

  292. karla replied:

    i love ergo’s!!! and i love giveaways!! wohoo!

  293. divinebabies replied:

    With the way my back has been hurting lately, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE an Ergo for my chunky monkey!!!

  294. Corban replied:

    what a great giveaway. thanks for the chance!

  295. Ashley Stanciel replied:

    Would love to win one! My sister’s and I pass our carriers around to try out different styles, and we would love to add this to our “collection!”

  296. Andrea replied:

    I NEED an Ergo, Baby!!!

  297. KC replied:

    pick me! pick me! 🙂

  298. heidi replied:

    I would LOVE to win an ergo for my son and i 🙂

  299. Katie replied:

    I want an Ergo so bad. I have a Maya wrap but my daughter is starting to get so heavy that it makes my back hurt after a while.

    khaymax at hotmail dot com

  300. Carla replied:

    Enter me please! I am currently expecting and this would be something I could really use! 🙂

  301. Jenny replied:

    This is so awesome of you guys! I would love to win an Ergo! Thanks!

  302. Heather replied:

    I would LOVE to win one. I hear such wonderful things about the ergo and unfortunatly, cannot afford one 😦 But count me in as an entry!!! My baby on the way would love it!

  303. Emily replied:

    We would love to win an Ergo!

  304. Shaina replied:

    My sister just showed me ergo carriers a few days ago! Amazing! Count me in! I’ve got 3 kids 3 & under!

  305. Jennifer Danielson replied:

    I just tried my friends Ergo yesterday and I need one of my own. I would love to win one!

  306. Melinda Q replied:

    I have been dying to get my hands on an Ergo but can’t justify it when I already have a BH…keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂

  307. Jeanine replied:

    I would love to win one! Ergos are great!

  308. Leah replied:

    I’ve heard and heard and heard about the Ergo. Haven’t found any carrier I’ve liked yet, but can’t afford to buy an Ergo. Would LOVE to win one.

  309. Shannon replied:

    I have been wanting an Ergo for a long time! Need one now and for the new baby!

  310. Sarah B replied:

    I’ve been wanting to try the Ergo.
    sarah.robot at gmail dot com

  311. Jessica R. replied:

    I’ve heard great things about the Ergo, and would love to try it!

  312. Shawn replied:

    Little Nora (age one) would love her Ergo- I borrowed a friend’s and keep washing it to give it back, then use it again…..and again…and again…. It’s so easy to keep in the car and with us and then put in a regular backpack while she’s walking around! Makes it easy to have both girls with me! Wish I’d had one sooner!

  313. Lynda replied:

    Here’s my first entry in an attempt to win an ergo! Would love to try this!

  314. Beverly replied:

    I would love to have an Ergo. We could really use a back carrier since my baby is outgrowing his Belle Baby.

  315. Mistie replied:

    I would love to try the Ergo Sport!

  316. Amber replied:

    I’d love to win an ergo! Thanks for doing this great giveaway! My 10-month-old is getting too heavy (and squirmy) to hold in my arms.

  317. Tara replied:

    The Organic Dark Chocolate Ergo!

  318. Brooke Boyer replied:

    Would LOVE to win an Ergo! I’m dying to have one, but it’s not in the budget!

  319. Cecelia replied:

    Awesome giveaway!

  320. Enas replied:

    I have tried so many carriers and spent so much money and would like to try this out .MY DD did not like the others and everyone is raving about this carrier 🙂

  321. crunchy beach mama replied:

    Would love to win! 🙂

  322. Deanna replied:

    I would love an Ergo carrier!!

  323. Jasmine replied:

    I’d love to win an ergo! I have a LO on the way and an active 18 month old, and it would be nice way to keep up with him!

  324. emily replied:

    My Mother’s Day b-b would love to ride around in an Ergo. Please enter us! Thanks!

  325. Lindsey Crockett replied:

    I have been wanting an Ergo for FOREVER!! Thanks for the chance! 🙂

  326. Trinity replied:

    I’ve got my eye out for the perfect deal for an Ergo – this would be it! I’ve been babywearing for 7 years, and I love my Moby Wrap, but it’s pretty stained and isn’t as convenient as it used to be. It would be great if it were an easy choice between hauling the toddler on my back or the infant on my front.

  327. Christi replied:

    Ergo Entry!
    i need this

  328. Jennie V replied:

    I’d love to win the new Ergo! What a great give away 🙂

  329. yuki replied:

    Am I too late? Please let me be not too late!! I am dying for an organic ERGObaby carrier!

  330. Megan K replied:

    Would love to win an ergo!

  331. Allison replied:

    Awesome giveaway 🙂 I would love it!

  332. Donna replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!! I love mine and could use another one so my husband could also carry one of our children!

  333. Amber replied:

    Oooohhh . . . I’m using a borrowed Ergo from a friend who’s going to want it back soon! I’d LOVE to win my own because I LOVE that carrier!

  334. Erin P replied:

    Please enter me!

  335. judy replied:

    I would be so excited to win an ergo!!!!

  336. Lacee Johnson replied:

    I’d love to be entered!

  337. Maria Bacon replied:

    Enter me, please! 🙂

  338. Megan replied:

    I would love to win!

  339. Lauren matzke replied:

    Please pick me! It is sooooo bloody hot in FL and my old Ergo is dying. DH won’t let me buy another one. Booooooo!

    Thanks for offering this up – what a great site!

  340. Amy replied:

    I’d love an ergo! I have a 13 month old (who’s not walking yet) and am expecting again. We’d definitely get lots of use out of it!!!

  341. Anna P replied:

    Yah! I would like to be entered to win an Ergo!!!!

  342. Cheryl replied:

    I’d love to win an Ergo. They are wonderful baby carriers.

  343. robynn neilson replied:

    I love babywearing and would love an ergo!

  344. Melissa replied:

    I’ve never tried an Ergo, but I’ve heard so many great things about them…I would love to win one! 🙂

  345. Stephanie Copeman replied:

    I would LOVE,LOVE,LOVE to win one. I love my moby but my 27 pounder is getting to big. I hope I win because I never win anything.

  346. Jaimi Grether replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo carrier!

  347. Jen B replied:

    I would love one of these! My 1 year old and I go everywhere together and he’s so dang HEAVY! This would be GREAT for us!

  348. jennifer replied:

    I would love to win the Ergo!

  349. Jessica replied:

    omg, I would love to win! what an awesome giveaway. I never win anything though, maybe my luck will change this time, lol

  350. Micah replied:

    I would love this! I bought a Lillebaby carrier and I regret it; it broke with 4 months of use! In the market for an Ergo now…should have gone with one in the first place!

  351. stacy replied:

    i love the organic twill in dark chocolate!
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  352. Rachel Wilson replied:

    I would love to win! My 2 year old still LOVES to be carried! 🙂

  353. Hannah replied:

    The ergo looks like an excellent carrier. I saw someone with one at the fair and I would love to try it.

  354. Rachel replied:

    I have so been wanting to try an ergo!

    richardrachel at hotmail dot com

  355. Amy Walker replied:

    Count me in! I’d love to win an ERGO! I’ve heard great things about them…

    cheapnchoosy at gmail

  356. Trisha replied:

    Would so very much love to have an Ergo, but it just isn’t in the budget.

  357. Amanda Bielser replied:

    I would love to win one! I have heard rave reviews for them!!!

  358. Alaina replied:

    I would love to win one!

  359. christine replied:

    I’ve used ours so much that it’s looking a little too loved! It would be great to have one that I can take out in public.

  360. leigh replied:

    what a wonderful giveaway!!

  361. Nikki replied:

    Great giveaway…as always!

  362. carly glover replied:

    could deffintly use an ergo!

  363. Summer replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo carrier! It would be our first!

  364. Annemarie replied:

    Would LOVE to win an Ergo! 🙂

  365. Alexis replied:

    I would love to win one! I have a 21 month old and 4 month old who both love being worn and I have always wanted an Ergo!!!!

  366. Katie replied:

    OH ME!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  367. Nikki replied:

    Would love to win one of these! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  368. Ashley E. replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  369. javaprincess09 replied:

    We’d love an Ergo! With an 11 month old and another coming in about 4 months this would be so handy!!!

  370. Kendra replied:

    my sister in law is a missionary in Africa- i’m pretty sure she would love to receive one of these for a gift. they are waiting for child #3. If she didn’t want it then I would love to haul around my 18 month old 🙂

  371. Sarah replied:

    Oh, how I would LOVE to win! Hubby won’t let me spend the money on one right now. :0(. It would make my life easier for sure!

  372. Judy replied:

    I’ve always wanted an Ergo. I have 3 kiddos and always on the go…my baby would love the comfy ride!

  373. Theresa replied:

    I’ve been wanting one for over a year! I have a toddler I’d definitely use it for plus I have a baby coming in less a month so it would be put in use for a long time! I hope I win! 🙂

  374. Traci replied:

    Excellent idea!

  375. Rutledge replied:

    I’d love an ergo!!
    And I never win anything…incl the vouchers. I tried.

  376. Laura replied:

    I would love to win!

  377. Ashley replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  378. Jovy replied:

    It’d be a terrific birthday present for me to win an Ergo=) My little 6-month old wants to be carried all day and even sleeps in her carrier which gives me a pretty sore back at the end of the day. An Ergo would be a great help.

  379. Sunny replied:

    Ooooh, how generous! Hope I win! 😀

  380. Jennifer replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!!!!! Our little man is a BIG little man and so other carriers have been difficult for us. I’ve been eyeballing the Ergo forever but have been pretty intimidated by the price tag. (blush) WInning one would be fantastic – thanks so much for a great giveaway!!

  381. Leslie replied:

    I’ve been looking at buying Ergo’s this last week. It would be super awesome if I just won one instead! Great giveaway!

  382. Jamie replied:

    I have heard so many great things about the Ergo carrier, I’d love to find out for myself!

  383. Melaine T replied:

    I would love a Perfomance Ergo in any color or style, not picky at all. You’re awesome for this giveaway.

  384. Elaine replied:

    I would be so excited to win an ergo!!

  385. Cristina replied:

    I would love an Ergo for my two-month old baby boy!

  386. Jen replied:

    i’ve borrowed ergo babies from friends and family numerous times. never able to purchase one at full price. i love, love, love them and recommend them to all new moms.

  387. M. Hightower replied:


  388. Tia replied:

    WoW!! What a great giveaway. I would be so joyed to win an Ergo!!

  389. KRISTINA replied:

    I would LOVE an ergo! Thanks for posting this awesome giveaway!

  390. Catie replied:

    Sounds good to me! I think mine is just about to outgrow the sling.

  391. Maureen Ford replied:

    I’d love a chance to win an ergo. Thanks!

  392. Amanda replied:

    I just had a 10lb baby boy last week that ended up breaking my tailbone and I have a 2 year old as well. It has been very hard to keep up with the 2 year old and keep my newborn close. I would really love to have an Ergo carrier!!

  393. Rebecca replied:

    I’d love to try one of these! Thanks for having another giveaway!

  394. Laura W. replied:

    Please enter me! I would love to win!

  395. Erin replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!!! So kind of you to give us all a chance!

  396. veronica replied:

    I would really like an Ergo! they have such cute designs especially the grey design!!!

  397. jodi sinagra replied:

    I really need one. My 8 year old just broke her wrist and elbow lastnight so I’m gonna need to wear my 10 month old ALOT.

  398. Laura replied:

    I want in on the drawing too. I could really use a nice carrier!!


  399. Sarah replied:

    I borrowed my friend’s ergo carrier and it was amazing!!! So much more comfortable than any other brands I’ve ever tried!

  400. Brian replied:

    Ergo makes such a fantastic carrier. Our foster kids would LOVE it!

  401. Deb bie replied:

    Hurray for ergobaby! Love your product!

  402. Richard replied:

    My daughter loves your product. I would love to win this for her and her family!

  403. Hayley replied:

    Would LOVE to win an ergo!!

  404. Xiaopeng Qi replied:

    I love Ergo carrier. It’s the best.

  405. Ramona replied:

    I’ve been making my own carriers since they are all so expensive. It would be awesome to get a “real” carrier!

  406. Amelia replied:

    I am so excited about the new Ergos. I’d love to have one!

  407. Kinsey replied:

    I would love one! This being my 4th child, I will need to have my hands free!

  408. Kinga replied:

    We love our ergo carrier. I have two kids, one 5 month old and one almost 2 years old and ergo is a lifesaver for us 🙂 It would be great to have two of them.

  409. Serena replied:

    I would love one of these, but there is no way we could ever afford to buy one. I have back problems and can really only use my homemade wrap consistently.

  410. rachel ronning replied:

    I would love an ergo carrier…heard they are amazing and baby #2 loves to be held 🙂

  411. Amy replied:

    Enter me please! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  412. Heather replied:

    Great giveaway! Please enter me.

  413. Hayley Scott replied:

    I have been wanting an Ergo for a long time. Would love to win one!

  414. Shu-Hung replied:

    I love to carry my baby with this well designed and beautiful carrier. Thanks for the giveaway.^^

  415. melanie replied:

    Wow it would rock my socks if I won one of these.

  416. jill replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! Thank you for offering such a sweet prize!

  417. Cristin replied:

    I have heard so much about the Ergo and would love to try it. It seems everyone that has tried it really enjoys it.

  418. Janae replied:

    I would love one! THanks!

  419. Cyndi A replied:

    With twins on the way, this would be so helpful!

  420. Leanne Marquis replied:

    I’m expecting my first any day now! I could really use one of these! 🙂

  421. Katie replied:

    I would love an Ergo Sport!

  422. Tori replied:

    I would love to win a Ergo!!! You Rock!

  423. Angie replied:

    I’d love to win too. Best wishes everyone. =)

  424. julie replied:

    this is a great carrier that would get a lot of use at our house!

  425. Crystal replied:

    I’ve never used one–I’m curious about all the hype!

  426. Nicole replied:

    We’d love a chance to have an ergo for our little guy!


  427. Jessica replied:

    My husband would love one for our son!

  428. Liz replied:

    great giveaway!! sign me up 🙂

  429. Mary Michaud replied:

    I’d love an ergo!

  430. Kate replied:

    I’ve heard these are the best! I’d love to win one for my first LO due in October 🙂

  431. Stacy replied:

    I’d love to win! Ergos rock.

  432. Kendall replied:

    Wow, love your store. What a fun give away. We’re due in October, so we’d love one of these! 🙂

  433. Courtney Peterson replied:

    Would love to win!

  434. Jill replied:

    My little guy and I would both love one of these! He loves to snuggle!

  435. Truly replied:

    what an awesome giveaway! i would LOVE to win!

  436. Melanie replied:

    What a wonderful prize! I would love to win.

  437. shay replied:

    I would love to win one for my 4 month old.

  438. Jaime V replied:

    I love my Ergo! I let my friend borrow mine and would love to win her one!

  439. Ashley T. replied:

    I am dying for an Ergo, my little chubby girl is over the weight limit for the carrier we have. I love the prints!

  440. Angela Gbekpa replied:

    We would love to win!!

  441. Jessie McLouth replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  442. Jaime replied:

    pick me!

  443. Ginger replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo, the chocolate would be perfect for both my husband (a babywearing enthusiast!) and me.

  444. Suzie replied:

    People tell me that the Ergo is awesome. I’d love one as my other carriers are killing my back! Keeping my fingers crossed. 🙂

  445. Danielle replied:

    awe..I feel bad for even entering…because you all deserve one just as much as I..

  446. ryanandkatiestewart replied:

    I’ve been admiring these carriers and want one very badly. Thanks for a chance to win one!!!

    katiekstewart at gmail dot com

  447. Amy McGregor replied:

    Count me in! I’ve carried my friend’s baby in their Ergo and I think they are the best! Our little girl is due Nov. 17! Thanks for the opportunity!

  448. Bao replied:

    Please count me in! We are in desperate need of one! Thank you!

  449. Torry Kauffman replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo Performance carrier. I’m a dad who takes the little guy (10 months) out to do yard work with me, and having the Performance carrier in the Florida heat would be great!

  450. Erin P replied:

    ergo entry for order 3792660 – thanks!

  451. Carly replied:

    I would Love to Win a Ergo. We are expecting Baby#3 early Oct and with 2 under 2 this would really come in handy


  452. Stephanie replied:

    I would love to be entered for this. I have a 2.5 year old that still likes to ride on the back… and a new little one on the way.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  453. marissa o replied:

    pick me!!

  454. Charity replied:

    Would LOVE to win this!!!

  455. Tammy Weiss replied:

    I would love to win one. I have been eyeing them for some time

  456. Tara H. replied:

    I would absolutely love to win an ergo. It is my favorite SSC!

  457. Stephanie replied:

    would love to win! I really want one of these but way too expensive.

  458. Stephanie binaco replied:

    I’d like to be entered. My little guy is 7 months but not so little. We had a little carrier from Babies R Us but it’s not made for big babies & bad backs (fibro). LOL

  459. Amanda replied:

    *crosses fingers* This is an awesome prize! It’s on my wish list this year, but not sure I can spend that kinda $$$.

  460. Amanda replied:

    I would love one. Will have new baby in October that would get some use out of this prize.

  461. jennifer perry replied:

    Would love one of these for my little one!

  462. Monica F replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  463. melissa replied:

    I dream of owning an ERGO!! Please enter me!!

  464. Adriana Horton replied:

    I would love to win!

  465. Liralen Canion replied:

    please enter me in. I’d love to have an Ergo

  466. Lisa replied:

    My sitter has one and I’m super jealous. I’d love to win an Ergo carrier.

  467. Brent replied:

    please enter me

  468. Katrina replied:

    I have been dying to get one!

  469. Michele replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!
    mileerom at yahoo dot com

  470. Carmen Mazza replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo heard so many great things about them

  471. TJ replied:

    Hope to win – great giveaway!!

  472. Amber C replied:

    Would love to win an Ergo – had to place a few orders too to increase my chances 🙂

  473. Rachel replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! I have been drooling over these for two years now….

  474. Jessie replied:

    We would love to win one!

  475. Ryan replied:

    I could really use one of these for when my son gets overly needy!

  476. Sarah replied:

    This would be a GREAT first giveaway win for me!

  477. Becky replied:

    I currently have an Ergo and think that everyone needs to have an Ergo when they have kids. I am throwing a baby shower for my friend on Oct. 16th and would love to be able to surprise her with one. I wouldn’t be able to afford it as a gift (I got mine for 50% off which is the only way I could get it and that was a splurge) on my own.
    Plus I think that the Ergo is an easy carrier for Dad’s to use too!

  478. Heidi Tasker replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!! I have one and am in love with it – in fact, I really need to buy an infant insert for it, and soon!

  479. Jenny replied:

    Please pick me! I’m pregnant with my third and have yet to find a carrier I LOVE. I think the Ergo could be it!

  480. Terri replied:

    I would love to win an ergo!!!

  481. Alicia replied:

    I would love to win an ergo because I have an 18 lb baby that loves to be held :)! I have heard so many great things about the carriers but have yet to buy one.

  482. Dianne replied:

    My daughter registered for the Ergo. I would love to give her one, and free would be fabulous. She’s ordering diapers from abbyslane, very satisfied with first order.

  483. Sally Clark replied:

    Avid AT Section Hikers and one of the newer materials would be awesome for we we do another 40 next month!

  484. Allison replied:

    I would LOVE an Ergo. My back and arms would thank you FOREVER!

  485. Lani replied:

    I used a friends and loved it. Would be great to have my own.

  486. Abbygail replied:

    Wouldn’t I love to win!!!

  487. Jennifer replied:

    I’ve always wanted an ergo, and hope whoever wins really enjoys it.

  488. Jacqueline replied:

    My baby and I would love to enter!!

  489. Shane replied:

    This is a great product! I would love to win one for my sister to enjoy with her foster kids!

  490. Rustin replied:

    I would like to win one so my wife will let me carry the kid around for once.

  491. Tiffany replied:

    Winning an Ergo would be amazing! What a great giveaway.

  492. Rush replied:

    I would love to win an ergo!

  493. Shanea replied:

    I would be thrilled if I won…great giveaway!

  494. Cathy replied:

    I could really really use one of these…with a 11 mos old and a 3 mos old, plus a 2 & 4 year old to keep up with–I can only wear one baby currently; it’s TOUGH!!

  495. Mattie replied:

    What a fun contest. Perfect timing for my new bean due in October. I’ve always wanted one of these!

  496. Carrie replied:

    An ergo would be great! I’ve seen them and they look so awesome, especially for a 18 mo who likes to hang out on mama! 🙂

  497. Cassia replied:

    I have heard so much about ERGO and would absolutely love one! It doesn’t fit into our budget now though, so winning one would be wonderful. 🙂

  498. Tracy replied:

    I would LOVE to win an Ergo carrier. They are the best carriers out there!

  499. Jessica Rabbitt replied:

    I would love to win one! Thank you for having an awesome giveaway!

  500. Hillary Westbrook replied:

    Would love to win!!

  501. Jennifer Nordstrom replied:

    Oh WOW! How awesome is this giveaway??? I’ve never used an Ergo but got really interested in one after seeing a girl wearing her daughter in one at my AP Moms meeting. I have RA and it’s very hard to carry my youngest daughter around. I’d love to be able to have a well-made carrier that I could wear her in!

  502. amanda replied:

    i would adore another ergo. a galaxy grey one. 🙂

  503. Meredith Miller replied:

    I want to try one of these SO BADLY, but cannot justify buying one!! I have heard/read so many great things about them.

  504. Kelli replied:

    Hi! I would love a new Ergo Performance!!! Kelli.Atangan (at) gmail (dot) com

  505. Megan R replied:

    I would absolutely PASS OUT if we won this! We could NEVER afford one, but it would be so stinkin useful! *Crosses Fingers* 😀 Great Giveaway!

  506. Aimee replied:

    I would love to be entered. Thanks 🙂

  507. tra720 replied:

    Oh, pick me! pick me! 🙂

  508. Brookelyn P replied:

    I so need a carrier. My baby is boycotting the stroller and loves to be held!!

  509. nikki replied:

    yay Ergo

  510. Wendy T replied:

    I’d love that green Ergo! It’s an amazing color! Would love to try the newer light weight version! Thanks for the give away!

  511. Stephanie replied:

    Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  512. Christianne replied:

    Would love an ergo to carry around our growing baby boy!

  513. Heather replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  514. Jen replied:

    this would be so awesome to win!

  515. Patti replied:

    All my friends have ergos. would love to try one, but I have a baby bjorn which I never use because it kills my back. I spent a 100 dollars on that thing, have had it for 7 years and used it maybe 3 times. 😦

  516. danielle koch replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! I am going to need something a little faster than a wrap as I will soon have three kids under 5!

  517. Kendra replied:

    I totally need one! my poor baby boy has to sport the pink mei tie. we need something more boyish!

  518. Courtney Cardosa replied:

    I would LOVE to win an Ergo!

  519. Danie S replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo! Thanks for the chance!

  520. Angelica replied:

    Ergo! Ergo! Ergo! I’d love something that would fit my husband (no extension belt needed!). And something that wasn’t HOT. Awesome! 🙂 Here’s hoping I bet chosen! 🙂

  521. Catharine Bushman replied:

    I would love a chance to win an Ergo. I’m an expecting mom, and think these are great!

  522. Danerlle replied:

    My twins and I would love to win a Ergo!

  523. Danelle replied:

    Yeah, I need to spell my name right. 🙂

  524. jen replied:

    ::crosses fingers for two free hands::

  525. stephen replied:

    i don’t know how my wife can carry the kids around like it’s nothing…my arms are killing me after five minutes. if we won an ergo, i could help her more.

  526. candy mak replied:

    I would love an Ergo, then my husband won’t need to readjust the carrier every time he needs to carry the little ones.

  527. jolie newman replied:

    I would love to win!
    stampgirljn at prodigy dot net

  528. Don Luong replied:

    My own carrier would be great. The wife hates having to fix the settings, after I use her carrier.

  529. Serena replied:

    Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  530. Tabitha replied:

    An Ergo would be such a blessing to us! I’ve wanted one since baby #1. We now have four little ones and still no Ergo :(. We have a 2yo and a 5mo that still need to be carried which makes grocery shopping a little tricky! Not to mention housework and homeschooling lol. With another one on the way we will have our hands full, but we wouldn’t have it any other way :).

  531. Sarah Connor replied:

    I’d love to win one! Thanks for doing such wonderful giveaways!

  532. beulahej replied:

    I heart Ergo!! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!! My two-year-old gets jealous whenever I carry the baby around. I think it would be great to have one the hubby could use to carry him.

  533. Erica replied:

    I want one of these so bad! My friend swears by it!

  534. Tara replied:

    Would love to win an ergo!!! Thanks for this opportunity!

  535. John replied:

    Please enter me in the contest as well!

  536. Hannah Williams replied:

    I just went back to work and my dh has entered the world of the SAHD – with a two year old and a 10 week old – he NEEDS this!!!!!!

  537. abby replied:

    I will have another child, and I will need this!

  538. Tammy Pollard replied:

    I need an ergo! 🙂

  539. Betsy replied:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  540. katie replied:

    I would LOVE to win an Ergo. Thank you for the opportunity!

  541. Rebecca S replied:

    I would love to win an Ergo!

  542. Marishannon replied:

    I would love to win this!

  543. Rae C replied:

    I’d love one!

  544. Lasharne Owens replied:

    Who wouldn’t love to win one??!!! Please??!!

  545. Katy replied:

    This is awesome of you do to do! Would love to win 🙂

  546. Amy replied:

    I’d love the chance to win one! This military wife/mama needs her hands back to finish the unpacking!

  547. Meagan F replied:

    I would love to win one for my youngest. ^_^

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  548. Samantha replied:

    Please add me to the Ergo drawing!

    • blythe replied:

      Please enter me in the Ergo drawing. My current Ergo is wearing thin from so much use.

  549. Jennifer replied:

    Took my two boys (8 weeks and 22 months) to the library yesterday and saw a guy who was wearing an ERGO with his daughter. I asked him about it compared to my Baby Bjorn and he said an ERGO would CHANGE MY LIFE!!! Please send me one?!? 🙂

  550. Benita replied:

    Would love another Ergo for the baby girl on the way…

  551. Lotus Stewart replied:

    Living in LA, I’d love a performance ergo- I’ve heard such good things about the breathability!! 🙂

  552. Lauren Zummo replied:

    I’d love one.

  553. Jairus replied:


  554. Elizabeth Aamot replied:

    Just found out I’m expecting! An Ergo would be a great first worldly possession for baby!

  555. Julie Vieux replied:

    Would love to try an Ergo. My chunky baby is giving me knots all up and down my back!

  556. Kelisa Eades replied:

    I didn’t know if the contest was still open today, but heres my chance. LOL my little guy loves being held and this would be great!

  557. Jenna replied:

    I have never heard of Ergo, but I would love to have a carrier for my new and first baby due in October!

  558. Naomi replied:

    I use a Moby wrap for my one year old. I would love an ergo to carry him on my back, while I carry the next one on my front!

  559. Tara replied:

    Yay- I love ergo’s. Am i too late?
    Anyway we would love an ergo for our little one.
    Thanks so much

  560. Tami replied:

    I would be so thrilled to win this! I’ve wanted one of these for a while!

  561. Alissa replied:

    I’ve been drooling over these and would love one. Is this contest still going on???

  562. Shannon F. replied:

    I’ve heard such great things about the Ergo.

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