Blog Friday for January 6th

This week we are focusing on positive energy and thoughts 🙂 Not all that related to cloth diapering, but not a bad topic 😉
This week brought some challenges to our store, some were minor, some will take some time to solve. I would love to hear some positive stories from your week (they don’t have to be related to cloth diapering), so tell me what happened to you this week that was good, one winner picked on Sunday gets 154 points in their Abbys Lane account for a $10.00 voucher!

January 6, 2012. Uncategorized.


  1. Lisa A replied:

    We definitely had an interesting week but the best “good moment” happened when my 3yr old was absent from preschool due to the sniffles. At around 1130am, dismissal time, I get some emails from the other parents and teachers saying that our little girl was horribly missed in school! 🙂 I showed it to my daughter and she said that made her feel a LOT better. Made me feel good too! What an awesome feeling that a whole group of people miss your child like that! Oh, this was her very first absence since September! 🙂 Hope next week is better!! 🙂

  2. Ela Reddy replied:

    My husband got a job offer!! A huge answer to prayers as our daughter has some medical issues and better insurance benefits would be so helpful!! 🙂

  3. Jill replied:

    The weather was beautiful, so for the last 2 days, after my 3 yo’s nap, she went outside to play! Yesterday daddy was home to play early, but today I just opened the outside door and listened for the baby, who ended up napping for a LONG time. When dad got home, we grilled out and then I was able to talk to my husband for a while. This doesn’t happen often enough!

  4. Jessie Hamblen replied:

    My mother-in-law’s tumor markers went down 30%!! She still is on weekly chemo treatments, but there’s great improvement!! (She’s been fighting breast cancer for over 25 years…talk about a fighter!)

  5. Carrie replied:

    We has a great talk with a friend who gave some very good advice about how to heal some longstanding family rifts. So I’m optimistic and excited to put his advice into effect, even though it means having to say I’m sorry.

  6. Brandy Anderson replied:

    I won a free hat for my baby from a blog! 🙂

  7. Brooke replied:

    Had some wonderful vacation time this week with friends and family!!!

  8. Rachel Grimsby replied:

    I tried a new composition lesson with my 4th graders and I found it to be very successful AND they loved it. So a double positive!!

  9. carla garcia replied:

    My week started out REALLY rough when my husband left town for business. The day he left things went wrong left and right. Slowly talking to him things have very much improved over the week. Him hearing how stressed I was made us have a good talk about our marriage (10 years!) and him being away really made us realize how much we take each other for granted. We’ve relaly reconnected. absence DOES make the heart grow fonder 🙂 I can’t WAIT until he comes home in a couple of days!!!

  10. Melissa replied:

    My friend finally got a job after looking for a year! And even better for us it was at my husbands work so we get a nice hiring bonus!

  11. Denise G. replied:

    We got back into the swing of things after being terribly sick over the Christmas break! It was so nice to be back into a routine!

  12. Becky Knepp replied:

    I have gotten into cake decorating and the cake I made for a baby showering this morning for my moms club turned out to be the best tasting and decorated cake yet!

  13. Emily W replied:

    It was amazing to be playing at the park in January in Illinois today! 🙂

  14. Meghan V. replied:

    Today my two boys (3yrs & 15months) were outside playing. The oldest came to get me to show me how he was pushing his little brother in a pedal car. He was so sweet to his little brother and didn’t even ask for “his turn” until LB wanted out.
    It was so nice to see them burning energy while being nice and not getting into trouble. 🙂 Made my day!

  15. Alison P replied:

    After 3 weeks in the NICU my best friend’s baby got to come home for the first time today!

  16. Jaime replied:

    I got to squeeze in a 2hr nap today while my daughter was napping! usually I busy myself with things but today I let myself rest and it felt SO good!

  17. Carita replied:

    We were able to continue shooting footage of our adoption story this week, and we can’t wait to see the final product so we can share and celebrate our story with others!

  18. Rachael replied:

    Found out we are moving to Columbus, GA if a few months. It seems like a nice place to live.

  19. Ashley replied:

    Well my hubby is leaving to come home from his deployment tomorrow..which is still considered this week, right?? 🙂 and it was our 4th wedding anniversary on Thursday.

  20. Adrian replied:

    My 19 month old went pee on the toilet!! He grabbed at his diaper and then walked over to the bathroom door and started knocking on it. I took him in there and set him on the toilet seat, and he peed right away! He isn’t ready for potty training yet, but still an exciting milestone!

  21. Rose replied:

    With a 3 yr old, 1 yr old, and another coming in 4 months, I am one tired momma. I was super grateful to my husband for installing a new dishwasher, taking the kids out for a daddy date, and making dinner today. Such a great start to the weekend!

  22. Amanda Parker replied:

    This week we were offically all cloth diapering. We were still using sposiesbat night but i bought a knickernappies dipe which was recommended for overnight use. We have heavy wetting fourteen mo boy. But he woke up just s bit wet on the legs.i was so happy to ne all offiially cloth now. no more sposies!!!! That wasbdef the most pisitive to our week. I love being green!!!

  23. Brittany Thomas replied:

    The kids got to hang out with Grandpa and I got to have a mini break!

  24. Erika Hernandez replied:

    We finally made the leap into cloth diapering!! Went to Abby’s Lane today and bought our first diapers 🙂

  25. Drea replied:

    It has been a tough week, but my daughter has made lots of progress developmentally to balance things out. Seeing her experiment with sharing this week has been truly joyful.

  26. Casey Washington replied:

    I got a haircut! Ha! Our 3 month old had a cold and finally is getting better and I decided snot in my hair wasn’t a good look. I went with a typical new mom haircut 🙂

  27. Felicia R replied:

    Hope everything is ok with you guys!

    I was offered another job this week!!

  28. kelli replied:

    I had my baby this week! Best thing that ever happened to me!!!! 🙂

  29. Sarah B replied:

    Thank you for the reminder to focus on the positives as I was was dwelling in negative energy this week! I was trying to be a sympathetic mommy to my sick 2-1/2 year old daughter, but my lack of sleep (due to her nighttime hacking cough and my 5 month old just not sleeping) got the best of my nerves!
    This morning I sent out a text of frustration to a few mommy friends. I expected to receive messages back to lift my spirits, but I was surprised when my doorbell was rung by one of those friends. Her husband was home with their twin daughters, and she took time to bring me coffee, chocolates, and a funny card. Her thoughtfulness completely lifted my spirits. (My daughter’s 4 hour nap later also helped!!)

  30. Helen replied:

    I got a new computer monitor.

  31. Cara replied:

    Several bits of happiness: #1 is that my cousin’s 3 yr old son got through surgery safely and the mass removed was not cancerous at all (BIG relief for the family!), #2 successfully sewed up a fabric “gate” for the lower level entry to the stairwell so we don’t have to drill holes into the wood banisters, #3 got started on making cloth diaper wipes for this baby to be. #2 and #3 are big accomplishments considering my only sewing lessons occurred in 1 quarter of sewing class in the 8th grade. And the machine was not broken in the process!

  32. Kelly Clarke replied:

    So glad to be back home after a week away that was a little tumultuous.

  33. Andrea Meckley replied:

    I decided to take the week off from work to catch up on my school work that i had been putting off since my little girl was born in September. It was a long week taking naps with her so i could stay up till the wee hours of the morning while she slept to get my school work done. the only thing that got me through the week was knowing that i could go to Abbys Lane on Saturday morning to pick up a new diaper for me and some new diapers for a baby shower i have Saturday afternoon!

  34. Liz E replied:

    I was feeling discouraged today and put my head between my hands, and my 21 month old daughter came over and gave me a huge hug and said “big hugs for mama. I love mama.”

  35. April replied:

    My husband went back to work this week after being off since July. In that time he battled (and won!) colon cancer and had a big portion of his colon removed. He also battled (and won!) lung cancer and had 1 lobe of his lung removed. After a 1 month stay in the hospital for his lung his father then passed away of lung cancer just 1 week before Christmas. Neatless to say, it’s been an EXTREMELY rough few months around our house. We also have 4 kids and a newborn (which I had amongst all this). So, prayers answered and AMAZING news in our house this week!

  36. Courtney O'Brien replied:

    It’s bittersweet but I got to see my brother off to Afghanistan tonight. I didn’t get to see him off to Iraq two years ago so I really enjoyed my time with him today. Oh and, we had a successful first overnight trip away from home with our cloth 😀

  37. Miranda replied:

    My oldest daughter (who is 13) and I got some extra bonding time while we repainted her bedroom 🙂 Not only did we have a great time, we conquered part of my major to do list. YAY!!!

  38. Maia G replied:

    The weather was WONDERFUL! I spent a lot of family time and went out with my friends for karaoke for the first time ever.

  39. Anne E. Perry replied:

    My son’s father & I started spending time together,

  40. Amy replied:

    I had a great experience asking my sister to do something while being really, really nice. I was really angry and it took everything I had not to tell her off and tell her she should be doing what I was asking for my mother without anybody telling her to, but I acknowledged she’ll always be the way she is and negativity would get me nowhere. Since then, I have vowed to always try the “catching more flies with honey” approach (especially around the holidays dealing with family), no matter how much things get to me. I have been trying REALLY hard to stay positive! 🙂

  41. Julie G replied:

    We are closing on our first house on Thursday!!! 🙂 Great news for the new year!

  42. Rebecca G. replied:

    Instead of only saying “on” for turning lights on and off, but LO has now learned to also say “off” as well.

  43. Amanda Alvarado replied:

    We had a 3 day work week! LOL And the weather was beautiful! mid 70s during the day and upper 50s/lower 60s at night!

  44. Desiree McPherson replied:

    Best thing to happen to me this week, was while driving my three year old son home from his playgroup, he spontaneously says, “Mom, I like you.” 🙂 Now, he’s said I love you plenty of times and I love hearing that but this was the first time he has said “like you”. I know it’s a moment I need to savour because kids don’t always like their parents.

  45. Nathania replied:

    This week has had to be one of the hardest of weeks ever but has proven to be a blessing in disguise!

    My husband bought 2 frozen turkeys of which one was thawing out in our fridge. As I was chopping vegetables up for the turkey dinner….I so cunningly had the cutting board balancing on the ledge of our counter. In mid thought I was thinking about how this is so potentially dangerous balancing the cutting board when….OH yes… the cutting board, garlic cloves and knife went overboard! With the knife falling right onto my foot point first! I stabbed myself in the foot! My husband rushed me off to the hospital where the doctor stitched my foot up.

    The blessing you ask? The best part of my week??? 😉 Guess who takes care of baby and cloth diaper changing? hehe my husband! 😀 Doc says not to put any weight on it or to walk on it to allow the wound to heal–now our one year old daughter is a runner and climber of which I could not possibly run around after so my husband has taken this week off to take care of her and me! 🙂 I have been able to sleep in these last couple of days which is like the first time in years! And instead of me cooking breakfast and waking up early in the morning, my husband has assumed the role and actually makes a great scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast breakfast. I feel like this is a great little “sick” leave that I am getting as a stay at home mom. I am actually enjoying it.

    So if I have to stab myself in the foot to get this mini vacation then maybe…haha just kidding….Dr. bill can get a bit high and husband will catch on and crutches do get old after a while…

  46. Abby Borders replied:

    This week we weaned our daughter from her pacifier, and it was so much easier than we expected! Definitely an answer to prayer since I have my hands full with her and her two-month-old sister.

  47. Ali replied:

    My 5 yo ds asked me today how many grandma’s he has. We counted them, which included greatgrandma’s & went on to count grandpa’s. Anyways he then said “They are all in my heart. I love them!” So sweet & really made me feel so good after the last few days being rough.

  48. Laura B. replied:

    I took my LO to meet her great grandma. I think Grandma knew my LO is special.

  49. mallory t replied:

    My husband and I got to go out to dinner tonight to one of my favorite places and then watch a new movie afterward. We haven’t gotten to do that in a while, so it was definitely good!

  50. Samantha Allen replied:

    My 2 year old ran out side naked. First DH and I were mortified, then we couldn’t help but crack up. It was a good laugh. 🙂

  51. Erin Becker replied:

    My oldest son is 7. For about the last week, he has been extra affectionate with me. Several times a day he comes over to me and tells me how much he loves me, I’m the best mom, he loves our family, and so on. It is very sweet, you definitely can’t hear those words too often!

  52. Sarah Hull replied:

    My two year old son has started running headlong into hugs and it is adorable! He will run straight into my or my husbands legs, burry his head in our legs (or our butts…haha!) and he squeals in delight. :Ilove you mommy(or daddy)!”| Ahhh…it melts my heart!

  53. Tara Sutton replied:

    Hubby and I got to go to see Rodney Carrington live tonight while my mom watched our daughter for 6 hours! And our daughter, who is normally very cranky when away from mom and dad, was well behaved! (She is 20 months and never away from us more than 3 hours at a stretch.)

  54. Christina S. replied:

    The good thing that happened this week is that I was worried our daycare wouldn’t accept cloth diapers. I was prepared with examples of pocket diapers with aplix just so I could show them theyre as easy as disposables. I was relieved and excited to hear the principal not only say yes but that SHE cloth diapered her own son! What a relief!

  55. Brandi Elam replied:

    My baby’s tooth #4 finally broke through! Hoping he’ll sleep better tonight now!

  56. Laura Cooper replied:

    The best moment all week – when my beautiful little rainbow baby laughed for the first time, ever! It hasn’t progressed to a full belly laugh yet, but it still counts! It sounds like “EH! Eh.” =) Best thing EVER!

  57. Charlotte replied:

    Teething and getting sleep thanks to Hylands teething tablets!

  58. Becky replied:

    After a rough week, with illnesses, sleep issues and hectic schedules all round, my sister came to visit for a couple of days – it is soooo good to see her 🙂

  59. Annie replied:

    My little one is starting to make progress potty training.

  60. vanessa replied:

    We had a rough transition week back after 2 weeks of travel (with our CDers!). We had a fun “breakfast for dinner” friday night – with chocolate chip pancakes

  61. Sarah J replied:

    I needed this positive post too! It has been a rough week!
    My basketball team beat their in-state rivals rather soundly.
    My very picky eater tried several new foods & seemed to like them.
    I made my niece a tutu dress for her birthday & she loved it. The look on her face was worth all the trouble it took to make it!

  62. Linda replied:

    My oldest had a sleep over with his grandparents, which allowed us to focus completely on my youngest for a while. It’s always nice to have that special alone time with one child. Having said that, ds2 is ready to have his big brother home. I love that they enjoy each others company!

  63. allison replied:

    My baby just started reaching up this week and saying “mamamama moooommmm!” Best sound ever!

  64. Jen replied:

    On Friday, I was talking to my husband while at work and told him how horribly tired I was. At lunch, flowers and a coffee arrived from the local flower shop!

  65. Natalie replied:

    My two sweet girls went with me to my 29 week prenatal and helped the midwife palpate my belly – they’re three and 18 months so it was adorable to see them get involved!

  66. Samantha Cuhel replied:

    I hate to say it, but we had nothing good happen this week. We’ve been waiting a month for my fiance’s workers’ compensation check because he got hurt at work and STILL can’t go back. We got an eviction notice, and if his check isn’t here an Monday we have to be out of our apartment by midnight. My baby is really sick and can’t sleep at night, and along with being hurt, my fiance also has bronchitis. Over the course of the week my sciatic has been getting worse and worse and this morning I couldn’t even get out of bed. My brother had to come over and pull me out of bed and push out my back enough so I could try to walk.
    I guess I could say a good thing from this week is that we’re all still alive, but none of are healthy, and are on the verge of loosing our home again.

  67. J Lenigan R Ashcraft replied:

    Maddie learned how to close doors! she is 1 now, and if you ask her she will do it! She also put a dirty shirt into the laundry basket! I was so proud!!! She wants to be mommy’s little helper and it just makes my heart melt!

  68. Jessica K. replied:

    Spent a wonderful vacation with my sister and her family.

  69. Suzanne D replied:

    My little girl FINALLY kicked her cold so cheers to no more Nose-Frida action and restful nights 🙂 Plus its 60 degrees in NOVA in the middle of winter, love it!

  70. Briana S. replied:

    My 6 month old finally slept through the night AND took TWO 2-hour naps yesterday (he’s normally a 40-minute napper). I feel so refreshed! 😀
    Also… got my husband’s homecoming date from deployment!! Just a few more weeks 🙂

  71. Melissa Wagner replied:

    We made it home safely from a 2-week cross country trip with family.

  72. AshE replied:

    A child in my family began at a new school this week. He is shy and was very nervous about finding new friends. Within minutes of arriving at his classroom he hit it off with some other boys and now says he has the best classmates he ever has had. Hooray for happy transitions!

  73. Alyssa replied:

    My husband started a new job this week in a totally new field. He’s really excited about the career change and is working for a company he could imagine being with for the next 30+ years — what a blessing.

  74. Mary replied:

    Had a student confide in me at work this week, it means a lot that a high schooler trusts me enough to do that… Even if what she told me is scary and I had to report it. She trusts me still even after I was honest and told her I had to tell her parents what she said.

  75. Cristin replied:

    I have had a great week of getting organized, ready for baby and starting a few projects. One this year is to count blessing in a journal form. It will be great to read it this time next year. We are so very blessed 🙂

  76. Maria D. replied:

    Egg nog is on sale!!! Need I say more? 🙂 Also, we had some amazing weather up here in Loudoun County yesterday, and got to go to the park. Hope you got some of that sunshine in Manasass!

  77. Lucy replied:

    Dreaming of a New Year full of possibilities – my New Years’s resolution = Be open to the impossible and grasping it fearlessly. Welcoming in the answers to my prayers, and the solutions to our problems to come to us in miraculous ways, knowing that all things are possible. And having the courage and strength to allow them in, without resistance. Using this new mantra has been the best thing that happened to me this past week.

    May you also find “impossible” solutions to your problems, without much struggle.

  78. Amanda replied:

    My one-month old slept four hours one night- his longest nighttime stretch yet

  79. Rachel Clark replied:

    I was able to get a weight bench and a treadmill. I already had an eliptical and so slowly I am building my own gym in my basement! I love it and it is so easy just to get up and walk downstairs to exercise!

  80. Sabrina R replied:

    This past week we got a letter stating our rent is going up and I was able to talk the apartment office into lowering the original increase. I am grateful that we *might* not have to move!

  81. Adrienne replied:

    I started a new book this week lent to me by a friend and fellow patron of Abby’s Lane. I have already started to implement some of the suggestions in the book, and not only did my husband notice, but he even thanked me for making the effort to change!

  82. Jenn M replied:

    My bright spot this week was putting my baby girl’s hair into a ponytail for the first time. It’s just SO cute!!

  83. Carrie replied:

    My daughter looked at us and said, “Mommy happy! Daddy happy! Amy happy! Happy home!” in her 21-month old diction.

  84. Christy replied:

    We homeschool and had a great week this week. Lots of fun learning around here! 🙂

  85. Gina replied:

    I’ve had a fairly rough week myself. The positive thing that came out of it, though, is that I’ve once again seen how amazing my friends are and how truly supportive they are through everything. Things are still quite rough, but I know I have them behind me!!

  86. Lisa replied:

    On Thursday my husband and I were finally able to get our old bathtub and cracked shower walls replaced. It’s going to be so much easier to keep the tub and shower clean now!

  87. Diane L replied:

    I had to return to work this week after a wonderful 3.5 month long maternity leave. While I am still crying each moring at drop-off, every afternoon I arrived to a happy, smiling baby at the sitters. AND, the sitter is learning the cloth diaper system. So far she has used prefolds with thirsties covers and grovia aios; next week i am going to show her our thirsties duo diapers. We are blessed to have a sitter who is so loving to our son and willing to do the cloth thing with us! Also, our new washer arrived today- my diapers are thanking me!

  88. Jennifer A replied:

    I’ve started a new job after being unhappy with my job of almost 4years. I can feel my shoulders loosening and I feel happier, which makes fighting PPD a tiny bit easier.
    Also, today my momma took me out on a “date” to get pedicures and have lunch. It was so fun and refreshing to spend some quality time with her ❤

  89. Kate C replied:

    My 16 month old daughter is currently transitioning from 2 naps to 1 and she did fantastic today!! Also did some early spring cleaning which always feels great and my husband got an internship for his last semester in college, that was an answer to our prayers! Now hopefully this internship will turn into a full time job when he graduates in May!

  90. Delora (@delora) replied:

    My youngest turns 2 on Sun, and we just have a successful party with four other families with kids similarly aged. Nothing like watching a group of “around-2yos” race each other around the house while holding Star-shaped mylar helium balloons!

  91. Sarah replied:

    Driving home this week from Holiday travels we were so thankful to find a last minute nice place to stay the night with 2 little ones in Friendsville, MD when the roads got too bad from unexpected snow!

  92. Leigh D. replied:

    This week has been a good one for my family. We just returned from a relaxing Christmas vacation. I found out I have all A’s in my college courses, My grandma’s cancer no longer needs chemo, and one of my best friends found out they are expecting!

  93. Vicki replied:

    I spent the week with out of town family and enjoyed so much!

  94. Lauren replied:

    My little girl was so fussy and off schedule this week. Finally I discovered why–a tooth! Yay for reasons to explain crazy baby behavior!!

  95. Nora replied:

    We finally started to set up the room for our second baby due in about 4 weeks. We have been seriously procrastinating this go round. We are not done or entirely prepared, but at least it’s started. Plus all my newborn fluff is here so I am ready to CD this one from birth (we just started with our toddler). Now off to prep those diapers.

  96. Tamara Sz replied:

    I had a date with my hubby. We went to the opera to see LaBoheme. It was lovely!

  97. Lisa B replied:

    My husband returned to work after his paternity leave this week…and I survived 4 daysin a row of 3 kiddos 3 and under! =)

  98. Ellen replied:

    My baby girl rolled over 🙂

  99. Lauren Vanni replied:

    My robotics team finally was successful in building a part of the robot that had been giving them problems for the past month!

  100. Tori replied:

    I had a baby boy this week! I can’t think of anything happier than that! 🙂

  101. abbyslane replied:

    Lucy check your inbox! liked your entry 🙂

  102. Kristi replied:

    I was able to get back into the swing of things with the new baby, #6. I was concerned my days would be spent running around like crazy trying to get places on time with a hungry, wet diapered baby but it hasn’t happened like that. I was up early, warned up the car in time, out the door on time, baby slept through the drop off fiasco, picked up the kids on time with the baby in the Sleepy Wrap (and got TONS of compliments) and even ran to Target for returns and purchases with the 4 little kids. Repeat today! 🙂

  103. Erin replied:

    My daughter was in a good mood all day today. She wasn’t crabby, she giggled and smiled, she napped well, she ate well. This is notable because she’s been sick lately and just … off. It was really nice to have my happy girl back!

  104. Dee replied:

    Starting a yoga routine! 🙂

  105. Brittany Thomas replied:

    We got tons of snow! I’ve been waiting all winter for snow and we finally got it. Plus my husband couldn’t go into work because of it so he basically got a whole week off!

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